Part one of mysterious riddle

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Dumbeldore: silence everybody we have a new student join us please welcome y/n.
Draco: ugh probably another muggle.
*you walk in like a badass and go get sorted you are a slytherin there are no other seats but the one next to Draco so you roll your eyes and go sit next to him~
Draco: whispers*mudblood
Y/n: what was that Draco I think I heard you wrong.
Draco: shouts*MUDBLOOD
y/n: MY FAMILY OWNS YOURS IDIOT let's restart hi I'm y/n.y/n riddle
Tom: liar I don't have a sister
Y/n. Uh yeah you do idiot
Draco: I'm so so sorry please don't hurt me
Y/n I'll think about it going to my dorm it was horrible meeting you.
*you go to your dorm and see your dormate*

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