3. Minho

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-4 Years ago-

Y/n and Minho were laughing as they walked. "No. Babe, I asked you if you knew how to skate." Y/n said, still trying to catch her breath. "Oh! I thought you asked if I wanted steak." Minho smiled.

"And why would I ask that?"

"Because it's your way of asking to go on another date."

Y/n hit his arm playfully. They were going out for about a week now and Minho made Y/n feel safe and loved. Skip to 2 years into their relationship. Y/n was now living with Minho, but something felt off about him. He never hugged or kissed Y/n anymore. He didn't even come home until late at night.

"Minho? Are you cheating on me?" Y/n confronted him. "Why would you think that?" He asked, just staring at his phone. "Because you stay out late, and don't do anything with me. I feel like I'm just a roommate. Y'know what...nevermind. We're done. I'll pack my things and-" Minho cut her off with a punch to the face. "YOU AREN'T LEAVING ME!!! UNDERSTAND? YOU ARE GOING TO STAY WITH ME AND YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE IT!!!" You got up and cleaned your face. Looking in the mirror, you see a huge bruise on your eye. "Shit." You whisper. Minho walks in with a worried look on his face. "Baby I'm sorry. I-I don't know what I was thinking." He tried to hug her, but she flinched.

This went on for months. You try to leave, he hits you. You go hang out with your friends, he hits you. It's gotten so bad that if she even steps wrong, he hits her. "You bitch! I told you I wanted Tofu stew. Not instant noodles." He was mad now. Y/n was so tired that she just let her mouth move without thinking. "WELL THAT'S ALL I COULD MAKE OK!?!? I WORK MY ASS OFF TO KEEP THIS HOUSE FULL OF FOOD, CLEAN, AND PUT UP WITH YOUR STUPID ASS BEATINGS EVERY! FUCKING! DAY!" She quickly covered her mouth once she realized what she said.

Minho walked up to Y/n and punched her. She fell and that's when the kicking started. She started coughing up blood. Minho stopped and went to their shared bedroom. Y/n tried her best to stand up, but once she did, she grabbed onto the counter and got her phone before she fell. Dialing the first contact, he picked up. "Y/n? Hi. We haven't seen you in forever. How have you been." He said happily. "XXX house on XXX street *cough* Help quick." Was all she could say before she passed out.

Namjoon burst through the door with Jungkook and Yoongi. Once they found you, they saw a guy coming down stairs. "Who are you and what are you doing with MY Y/n?" Minho yelled. "Did you do this?" Yoongi asked as Jungkook picked her up. Minho didn't answer, so Yoongi punched him in his face as they run out and take her to the ER.

A/N: Ok I thought of updating today since I won't be able to on friday nor next friday so here you go.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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