Nor'Easter (Maxon Schreave)

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Summary: Y/N lives in Waverly, one of the North Eastern provinces of Illéa. Their parents are out of town, so they're on their own to prepare for another of the trademark storms of the region. It's nothing new to them, and they're ready and settled in at the beginning of the night as the wind picks up and the snow starts falling. However, not everyone is so aware of the harsh weather of the North East. Y/N's life might just chance forever when a certain Prince of Illéa gets stuck in the snow.


"Y/N? Are you down here?"

I almost whacked my head on the stair above me at the sound of my neighbor's voice. I'd been digging around in the basement, gathering supplies for a coming winter storm, and I hadn't heard them come in.

"Yes, I'm here! I'll be up in just a second!"

I grabbed the buckets I'd come down to find, then hauled them upstairs to find my neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney, waiting with smiling faces in my living room.

"Sorry to burst in on you like this, dear," said Mrs. Whitney. "We just wanted to make sure you were ready for the storm this afternoon."

"Looks like you're already more prepared then we are," laughed Mr. Whitney as I moved to start filling the buckets with water. A power outage might mean we couldn't get running water, so I needed to get as much of it as I could now just in case I couldn't get it later. "We thought we'd offer for you to come stay with us for the storm, but it looks like you're more than prepared here."

I turned and smiled at my neighbors, taking a break from my preparations. They were total sweethearts, and they'd been checking in on me regularly since my parents had left for business last week.

"Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney, but I'm alright. I've got everything I could possibly need ready to go here," I said.

"Alright, if you're sure," said Mrs. Whitney. "Just know you're always welcome to change your mind."

I nodded, and they started heading for the door.

"You know, it's a real shame this storm's interrupting the royal visit," started Mr. Whitney, his tone teasing. "You're going to be stuck in here instead of running into dashing princes."

I scoffed, and I could tell from the laughs of my neighbors that it was exactly the reaction they were expecting.

"Oh yeah, what a loss," I said sarcastically.

"You know, I actually feel a little bad for those royals and their entourage," said Mrs. Whitney as she and her husband reached the door. "They come all the way out to Waverly to visit the people, and instead they're stuck inside thanks to the Waverly Winter."

"Yeah, those poor babies," I said, following my neighbors to the door. "How horrible, to have to sit out a storm in one of the most luxurious hotels in the country. They'll probably think it's some fascinating display of nature, and not any kind of real problem like the rest of us have to deal with."

My neighbors shared a look, but wisely didn't argue with me. They knew I didn't completely hate our government; I just got frustrated with how little they knew about the real world.

Mr. and Mrs. Whitney gave me one last wave as they headed down the walk and back to their own house, and I stayed at the door long enough to see them off. Then, I didn't waste another second in finishing my preparations. This storm was coming, and I wasn't about to be caught unprepared.


Not quite twelve hours later, I was sitting in my living room, curled up with a cup of tea and a book as the storm raged around me. It had just gotten bad about half an hour ago, and I knew we were in for far worse as the night went on, but since the power hadn't even gone out yet I was still enjoying myself.

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