I regret not telling u sooner....

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It was the first day of school for me and i was not happy. Many students crowded the gates to get into school. I was not one of them. The students entered their classes and we started learning. While on lunch break, i was wondering around school trying to find a quiet place to eat,

As i was walking down halls i found a really old door so i opened it, there was a staircase leading to a set of doors on the top. I opened the first door and on the back of the door i found arrows and swords so i closed it quickly not wanting to know what was inside. Now the second door when i stepped in i saw a large room with a high ceiling and a window with sunlight seeping through it. In the middle of the room there was a table full of inventions i have never seen before there was also a very beautiful girl working on a new invention.

We became friends over the years and from that our feelings grew soon we fell in love, but all good things must come to an end. This was our last year of school and one week too prom. I was walking up to our room in school to ask her to go to prom with me but when i got there she was not there. Them i found out from my teachers that her family had migrated over to New York. I was heart broken. On prom night i was at home regretting not telling her i loved her sooner, i also received a parcel. When i opened it, it was a key and a note telling me what to do.

I was in our room in school, i used the key to open a chest i found under a floorboard. When i opened it, there was a letter inside and it read

(I'm sorry i don't remember what it said i just remember it was very sad)

After reading it i cried and cried i regret not telling her sooner. I smashed my fist against the walls and called her name hoping this was a joke and that she will be here on Monday but she never did come back.

Just as the room became dark i woke up and cried in real life hoping to find someone to take me as theirs instead of dreaming of it and crying in the morning.

This morning i realised one thing, it's that there is one thing more powerful than love it is heartbrake.

And this is the end on my chapter on my dream for last night

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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