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The cheers of the happy townspeople and the trotting of the horses could be heard from a great distance. The castle was to our sight as we smiled towards it, in relief of finally reaching home.

Home, it's a unique concept for me. I always thought the castle in Alasia to be more of a prison, although I was born and raised there. Now, living here, with Nathaniel by my side felt more like the comfort of home.

We got off the horses, as the stable men came to sight. They quickly took off with the horses to the barn, as I petted Stormy a goodbye. Nathaniel's arm wrapped around my waist as I cuddled myself into his chest.

The summer season is over and in a matter of weeks, the snow will fall again. I cannot believe it's been almost a year since I was wed to Nathaniel.

I looked up at him, as he talked to some of the men. He seemed to notice my stare as he sent me a smile and a peck on my lips.

"Avani! Nate!"

"Nate! Avani!"

"My best friend! My grouchy brother!"

I heard the voices of our closest friends and looked to see Alaina, Killian, and Tommy. I let out a laugh at Tommy's reference to my husband and Nathaniel let out a string of curses.

We greeted our friends with a heartwarming hug and thanked them for taking responsibility in our place, while we were gone. Nathaniel and Killian walked off to talk about the Kingdom's affairs and Tommy followed them. Alaina and I walked around the garden as we talked about our lives.

"I see a glow in you."

"I'm sure it's nothing."

"Well, it ought to be something. I can see you and Nathaniel have mended your relationship."

"He finally admitted his love for me and gave me the key to his heart, as I gave mine to him."

"That's absolutely wonderful. Living with the man you love for eternity is truly a blessing. I can see that with you and Nathaniel."

"It really is. I've been floating on cloud nine since then."

"Aha, I've figured it out!"

"Figured what out?"

"Nathaniel and you finally consummated your marriage. This means I'll finally be a godmother soon and Marcus would have a friend."

With the extent of Alaina's excitement, it seems as if she is ready to name the non-existent child by now and plan its future.

"I can't get my hopes up. My mother suffered a miscarriage before conceiving me and I fear I will face the same fate. Moreover, it's too early to tell."

"Don't speak so pessimistically. You've suffered through enough, I'm sure from now on your life would be happy."

"I hope so too. I fear my mother-in-law has other things in her mind."

"Don't fear that old hag. She just worries that you would make her son more human and less of a war monster."

"If Genevine heard you, she would cut your tongue."

"I would like to see her try?"

"See who tries what?"

We froze as we heard the devil itself. Plastering a fake smile, we both turn around to see my mother-in-law looking at us with suspicion.

"Um, it's a-"

"She was testing if I can try to cook a traditional Nordfjord meal."

I saved my friend, as she gave me a thankful smile. We both knew Killian would not allow any harm to befall his wife, but why face the wrath of the queen mother.

"Of course you can't. You are a useless wife. My son married you as he had no choice."

I was no longer angry at my mother-in-law's words, rather annoyed. She can keep criticizing my every action, but at the end of the day, I knew my self-worth.

"Is that why your son confessed his love for me?"

She looked taken aback and let out quite a dramatic gasp. My eyes nearly rolled out of my eye sockets at her actions, but I refrained from doing so. I will not stoop down to her level.

"You witch! You trapped my son by your charms! I promise you that this is only a matter of time before he frees himself out of your evil trap."

"It's not a trap, it's called love."

Alaina came to my defence and Genevine sneered at her. She gave a deathly stare, which was more comical than alarming.

"Don't you dare utter a word? You are unworthy to speak to royalty and marry a fine man such as Killian. It seems that all they teach the women of Alasia is to trap fine men."

"Don't you dare speak to my friend or me in that tone!"

"I'm your mother-in-law! How dare you not speak to me with no respect!"

"I've done nothing but show you respect from the moment I met you. In return, you wrongfully imprisoned and nearly killed me. A mother-in-law is someone equivalent to a mother, and you are not that. I will only show respect when I get respect."

I spoke the words in my heart before walking away. Alaina followed me as I felt a weight leave my shoulder. I finally got the words off my chest as I headed off to my room. I greeted Alaina goodbye and promised to visit her and my godson soon.

My chamber was empty, my trunk of clothing and personal materials missing. For a second I worried that my mother-in-law had something to do with this; that is until I heard a maid behind me.

"The King requests your arrival to his chamber, Princess."

"Very well."

I nodded my head and rubbed my temples as I walked towards his chamber. I opened the door to see some changes, more trunks, my trunks to be specific.

I looked around the room for my husband and stopped my eyes in his bed. His chest was bare and the bottom half of his body was covered by a thin blanket. I could see his not-so-little excitement and felt my body heat up on its own.

"Why are my things here?"

"Well, I believe this is our chamber now."

"What do I do with my room then?"

"Save it as a nursery for our bairn. Which reminds me, we have a bairn to make."

He laughed at his own joke as I shook my head at his poor sense of humour. I began taking off my jewelry and the outer layer of my dress. I was left in my nightgown when I felt a hand taking the loose material off my shoulder.

I clasped my hand at the front of my chest before it can pool onto my feet. Through the mirror, I looked at my husband's eyes filled with hunger. His lips descended in the crook of my neck, as I tilted my head to give him more access.

My hands let go of the dress, as it dropped to the floor. Seeing my bare body, instigated the hunger in him as he swept me off my feet and dropped me onto our bed.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

Quick Note: There have been a few changes from chapters 3-14. It doesn't affect the overall plot of the story, but there is a characteristic change for Avani

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