Chapter 1

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Saturday, March 16, 2017


A day in the "Christopher's Mansion", as usual the owners of the mansion goes on a long business trip and the only people left in the house are their son Josh who has a fair skin tone, dark black hair, some cute dimples and freckles, deep black eyes to match his hair and a pair of rose lips and the house maid Susan who had a quite rose shade of skin, light blonde hair, cute cheeks that always turned rose red when shy or angry, she had sky blue eyes which always shimmered in the moonlight, and nice pair of sexy full lips and lastly she had a tiny nose and they never get along no matter how they try to and sometimes it's a bad idea for Mr. and Mrs. Christopher to leave them in the house but they don't care because they try to leave them alone so they can learn to get along.

It is time for breakfast and Susan as always is preparing Josh's worst breakfast which is Oatmeal in order to get back at him for what he did last night "How dare Josh cover my bed with itching powder. He is such a jerk and now he is gonna learn his lesson"thought Susan.

After some time Susan takes the breakfast up to Josh's room because he is too lazy and convinced his mother to make Susan serve him "breakfast in bed" as he likes to call it. Susan opened Josh's door to serve him his food.

"It's rude of you to open the door without knocking now you are going to go out close the door and knock again". Susan was shocked to hear him say that, just because he is 19 just one year older he thinks he can talk to her in any manner and that wasn't right at all.


"That is sir to you"

Susan swallowed her pride for she did not want to lose this job because the Christopher's has done a lot for her like taking her in and paying her college fees and all sorts of things, also Josh was about to receive what he deserved

"Sir you can't force me to do that plus I am only here to serve you your breakfast but if you don't want it then I will just have to leave"

Josh rolled his eyes in annoyance and new she had the checkmate. "Ugh......fine just give me my breakfast-AND you better knock when you come to serve me my lunch"

"Can't you just move you ass and go down to the kitchen and get your damn food you rude spoilt little brat." Of course she didn't say that out loud, she wasn't a fool. She actually knew Josh was nice and sweet but he just doesn't know it yet and she has dedicated herself to unlock that good side of him. "Yes-sir but Josh is it necessary for you to act like this-I mean you don't even act like this to your girlfriend."

Josh lifted up one of his eyebrows and teasingly said "Are you implying that you want to be my girlfriend?" Susan may sometimes think of Josh of maybe kind of more than a "friend" but that was way too rude for him to say "How dare you?"Susan flushed and it was visible, she became so angry that she walked over to him and tried to thump his head and josh pulled her close when she almost fell and slyly said "So my suspicions are right"

"Even though you have a girlfriend you are still flirting"Josh scoffed "Do you mean Rebecca—that started cheating on me in the first place....I just wanna dump her"

"Then do it—"

"Don't you understand? My parents and Rebecca's are close friends and they want us to get married"

"If you don't like her then you can dump her....your parents can't force you into something you don't want"

For a brief moment Josh glazed into Susan's eyes and saw something he never saw in Rebecca's and he couldn't stop himself from hugging her of course this shocked Susan and she shoved Josh away "Don't push it weirdo....we do not even get along and your hugging me now?"

"I was just thanking you for what you said"

"Yeah, right!" Then Susan remembered to give Josh his breakfast and smiled slyly "Anyway here's your breakfast"Said Susan with a grin on her face as she dropped the tray on his bed. Josh opened the tray and saw his worst food—Oatmeal.

Susan laughed out loud as Josh was giving her an annoyed glare "Enjoy your meal" Susan was about leaving and then Josh grabbed her by the hand "Please can you make me a proper meal I promise I'll help you" "When did you become so helpful" Susan thought to herself that it was some kind of twisted trap but she decided to see where this was going so she said "What do you want to cook then?"

"I want waffles with omelets" "OK lets go to the kitchen" Susan and Josh headed downstairs and Susan asked Josh to bring out the ingredients "Hold on let me check my phone" "No need just get the flour that is up there" Josh looked where Susan gestured her hand towards and saw a large silver tin on a high surface where he couldn't reach "It's too high up" "Ugh....just get me a stool and as I climb up you stay behind and hold the stool" Josh did as she instructed and before they knew it the tin tipped over and the flour poured over Josh and the whole floor

"AHHH—I am blind....HELP ME...UGH—my eyes are burning AHHH"

"Oh My's just flour, not molten lava"

Susan got a bowl of water and splashed it on Josh's face and he opened his eyes which were recently red—not just because of the flour but also with anger "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME""Don't be such a drama queen...go take a shower and I'll order pizza"

Josh went up to his room to take a shower while Susan ordered pizza "I wish I got that on video"said Susan with a chuckle when Josh came down he was of course still angry and as he came Susan was laughing"What are you laughing at? You caused this....this is all your fault you—""Technically it's your fault because you're the one who wanted need to start off your temper plus pizza is on it's way""What kind?" "Pepperoni and instead of frowning could you come here and help me clean up?"

"OK but I get the larger portion of the pizza" "No problem cry baby...after cleaning up just to cheer you up we can play video games while we wait""OK I'll help you clean up—but just this once" "What evs"

After cleaning up and playing some video games the pizza finally arrived at 9:17 and Josh went over to answer the door"Took you long enough" he said while tipping and paying the delivery man, he collected the pizza and shut the door and brought the pizza to Susan

"Finally...I'm starved"

"Tell me about it"

"Am I really having fun with Josh...I hope this day never ends"

They ate, chatted, laughed, joked and for once they were actually bonding and maybe growing a closer relationship until "Well I gotta go" "Where are you going?""I have to go meet Rebecca at the mall" "But I thought we were having fun" "Don't worry as soon as I get back we can have fun but I have to go" "Fine what ever are you gonna break up with her?" "I don't know for now but I have to go"

Josh stood up and exited the house "Rebecca does not even deserve him....wait what am I saying?" thought Susan

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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