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Shiro pov
        I wanted to get out of the estate and maybe go to a carnival or watch a movie or maybe just eat at a cafe .
        It's kind of suffocating staying inside the house.
        I asked father if maybe I could go out. He said he would accompany me to the carnival as a gift
       I asked mother if she wanted to go but she declined since nobody would take care of my brother.
       So it's just me and dad

3rd person view
      Little Shiro and ryu
( A/N :if you didn't read chapter 3 . Ryu is the father of shiro and Mico and the head of the Rankine family)
Celebrated Shiro's birthday ina carnival they played games and rode carnival rides since that was Shiro's wishes .
Shiro pov
      I saw a cute kitsune mask on one of the carnival games . My mask looks like it came out of a horror movie

* The mask she is wearing*

* The mask she is wearing*

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*The carnival mask*

*The carnival mask*

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I know for a fact those games were rigged.

3rd person view
          As Shiro and Ryu were walking Ryu noticed that Shiro was kind of preoccupied with something.
          He looked at Shiro who was looking at a carnival game.
        Ryu scooped Shiro in his arms and asked " Do you want to play that game"
        " Papa those games are impossible to win" Shiro replied with a sad tone on her voice
        " Tell you what, I will win the game and give you the prize " Ryu said
      Shiro turned to him and said
        " Yes, so which one do you like" Ryu asked
        Shiro pointed at a pink kitsune mask
        " My daughter is so cute" Ryu thought
( A/N : you know what I hear fanboy noises)
         The game was rigged of course. The rules were you have to hit 3 stacked bottles and none of the bottles should be left standing. But since it was rigged the bottom most bottles were heavy so that it can with stand force.
          They had one grave mistake though. The heavy bottles can withstand force of normal people.
           Ryu was a sorcerer
          He imbued the balls being thrown with curse energy. To the point where it looked like the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs

Shiro pov

           He almost destroyed the store with his first throw. The owner just gave me the mask and asked us to leave
          I almost laughed

       Me and dad are buying food right now
      " Shiro did you have fun" dad asked me
      " Why wouldn't I be having fun dad, THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY OF MY LIFE"
       I replied to him and hugged his leg
      Curse me for being small
      He carried me with one hand and the other carrying food. We started walking towards the car.
      I can't wait to tell brother what happened

??? Pov
He has lowered his guard.

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