Chapter 2

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You just got home from Diggy house ... No one was in the living room too see you come in you run upstairs to Jacob room which is next door to yours he was sitting on his bed playing by self with his ninja turtle

You: Hey Jacob !

Jacob: Hey .......

You walk over to his bed and sit down

You: whats Wrong ?

(he is 7)

Jacob: Why even ask that question .. You know what's wrong

You: I know I'm sorry.. I know Jac

Jacob: I'm just tired of this man .. Sometimes I just want to run away

You: Jac Don't say that ...

Jacob: I just want mommy to be happy ..

You: I do too.. It kills me to see her unhappy .. I be right back

You get up from his bed and walk out his room .. Down the hall to your parents room .. To see your mom just waking up .. Your dad isn't no where to be found

You: Hey mom !

Your mom: Hey baby !

You: can I talk to your for a minute please ?

Your mom: sure ..

You walk into her room and sit on the bed

You: What's going on with you and daddy ? These past couple months all me and Jac have been hearing is you and daddy argue and argue ... Mom I'm not a little girl anymore I'm growing into a young lady .. I don't want to see my mom not being happy

Your mom: I know baby .. I'm sorry for putting you and Jacob through this .. But just know me and your dad will be getting a divorce .. I want to be honest with you not trying to make your father look bad but these past couple of months he has been lying and cheating on me ...

You: Wow ..

You get up from your moms bed and run to your room and cry for hours ..


Couple hours later

You were on your floor crying when you heard a knock on your door .. You wipe your eyes off

You: Come in *yelled*

Walked in Diggy .. He ran over to you

Diggy: What's wrong ?

You: My mom and dad are getting a divorce and I just found out that he has been lying to my mom and cheating on her ..

Tears just start falling from your eyes .. Diggy gets on the floor and comforts you and wraps his arm around you .. You just cry on his shoulder

Diggy: everything is going to be alright !

3 years later

Your a junior now a lot of things has changed You still live next door to Diggy with just your mom .. Your brother lives with your dad and your step mom you forgave your dad for what he had done for your family .. You really don't speak to Diggy anymore since he has became a superstar he usually is on tour and is really busy with his new life .. You still talk to Simmons family so does your mom .. She still hasn't found a boyfriend yet .. You usually write to let go of all your pain

You was just got done changing into your black loose rivets cardigan with black leggings with your spiked combat boots with gold rings to match ! You grab your purse and your notebook and walk out your room outside to front yard .. You walk a couple blocks down from your house to a park to get away you sit on the swing and listen to the birds and write about how your feeling !


I honesty didn't know where to end so I decided to end here ! Uh I have a really nice plan for this story so yeah lol HMU tell me what y'all think

Your outfit:

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