chapter 1

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In the dark of the night, small feet raced through muddied alleyways. As fast as she could the girl zipped here and there, the Marzanik followed close behind. She could hear their footsteps pounding behind her and the vile things that they shouted at her, but she dare not look behind her.

Paved roads ahead indicated she was close to the Great City. Pausing, she looked side to side. She couldn't enter the Great City, it was too risky, but she didn't have very many options. A door hidden almost completely in the bushes caught her eye. She tugged a few times and it graciously opened. Closing the door tightly behind her she surveyed her surroundings. Some old pots, baskets, and broken furniture pieces sat around what seemed to be a courtyard? She had no clue where she was but she knew she had to keep moving. Cautiously, the girl walked forward. She peaked around a corner, then continued. Repeating this step a few more times she found herself next to a tall ornate building. She had only heard of such beautiful craftsmanship, never had she seen the elaborate detail work in person or this close. Although she didn't know exactly where she was this gave her a pretty good guess, and it could get her in a lot more trouble than she was already in.

As she was looking for a way out she saw a glow coming from one of the buildings. She knew she mustn't go towards it...but it called to her. As though an invisible force pushed her forward, she began to move towards it. This was a bad idea, but..her curiosity was getting the better of her. Carefully, slowly, she squeezed through a door that was slightly ajar.

She let out a small gasp. The sight before her left her awestruck. Marble floors were cold against her bare feet. Gold pillers stood proud around the room. Jewels bigger than her adorned the walls and the colors! Oh the colors! Jade, rubies, pearls, sapphires, amethysts, opals, topaz, emeralds and so many more precious gems. Roses, marigolds, lilies, zinnias, and lotus flowers wrapped around the golden pillers and spilled out over the floor. Jars of spices lined the walls as did jugs of fine wines. The smell of incense mixed with the spices and floral fragrances swirled around her. She could get lost in the expanses of the majesty of this room. Surely the owner wouldn't miss a few things, like some flasks of oil, a few jewels, and a couple pouches of spices. She gathered a few things and was planning to leave with no intent of return.

A few steps before she was in the clear she heard a strong but quiet voice.

"Who goes there?"

A Conversation with the King: DaviahWhere stories live. Discover now