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After what felt like house of waiting, someone finally came in.
"Hi, I'm Thomas"  He greeted.  I gave him a smile.
He was holding the paperwork that I had filled in about the year I was traveling to, the purpose, and the rest of my information.
"Hey Levi, so I see that you're teleporting back to 4014?"  He started in a relaxed, laid back voice, skimming over the paperwork.  "Okay, so all time travelers are given these.  Now listen to me carefully."  His voice quickly turned more serious.  "This small remote will teleport you back, and anything that is left on you, so be careful of what you bring back.  Simply press the red button, and hold down on it for about 15 seconds."  He told me as he handed me the remote.  I swiftly put it in my pocket and tightly gripped it. 
"I don't know if you are aware of this yet or not, but most people get knocked out while traveling through time.  It's just something that our bodies do to protect ourselves.  So if it does happen to you, it's nothing to worry about."  Thomas explained.
"So, to teleport back, you just simply step into this tube and we'll do the rest."  He stepped in to demonstrate.
"I'm aware; it's always been my dream to time travel."  I responded.

I couldn't believe it.  I was finally going back in time.  A few months ago, my best friend Eren passed away from an undetected heart disease.  I was still in shock--  We had such advanced technology, compared to what they had 2,000 years back or so.  In class, they would give us old historic objects from that time.  They knew next to nothing about diseases, and it wasn't uncommon from people to die from them.  But now that we know practically everything, it was a big deal when someone died from sickness.  And that person to die, was my closest friend, Eren.

    Eren and I had known each other since we were both about four, and truthfully the only reason we became friends at first, was because we had the same birthday.  But over time we had an unbreakable bond.  We had been through everything together.  She's the only person who's ever seen me cry, and I wouldn't trade the world for her.  We promised each other that one day, we would both travel through time together.  I trusted her with my life.

    I looked up to see that Thomas was behind a wall plastic wall, quickly pressing buttons.
"Are you ready?"  His voice echoed through the empty room.  I quickly gave him a nervous nod.
  I could feel the sweat glide down my face.  Although, I was excited, I suddenly felt really worried.
"What if I was sent to the wrong year?  What's too late to save Eren?  Can I be able to travel back?"  The thoughts ran through my head.  But before it was too late to think it out, I was knocked out.

    I woke up, laying in a patch of thick grass.  I turned my head in both directions, and as soon as I turned my head to the right, I could see people.  I made my way out of the woods, and back into civilization.  I breathed in the clean air, but  with only one look around, I knew that this wasn't 4014.  When we were younger, Eren and I would always sneak into the libraries and museums.  These were people from the past, I could just tell it.  "Welcome to the Freak Show."  A sign read.  I knew about freak shows and circuses.  In school, they would use virtual reality so that we would understand how people lived long ago.  I was always interested in them, so I decided that I would at least take a look around.

    I walked around the area; time wasn't a problem.
I could instantly tell that all of these were fake; but one just stood out to me.  I made my way through the tick crowd, and up to her.  It was a girl with peachy fox ears.  I went up to her, and took a quick scan of the area..  I went up to her and smiled.
"Hi" I started warmly.  She smiled back.  I looked down, to see a bright red ribbon of the ground..  My face lit up.
"Do you think you can show me you your ear?"  I politely asked her.  Her eyes met the ribbon, and quickly turned her head towards me.  I tied her hair with the ribbon, and Eren had tied her when she was younger.
"Oh, I'm Levi."  I greeted.
"I'm Millie."  She responded.
"Millie..." I said to myself under my breath.  "Millie's a pretty name."  She grinned as her rosy cheeks gained a more vibrant color.
"So uh.. If you don't mind, do you think you can tell me how you got your ears.  If it's not too personal, though.  They're really nice."  I told her.
"Well, I'm not quite sure.  My father's a scientist I feel like he had something to do with them.  They're quite uncomparable."  She said as her mind wandered.  I wanted to take her back, I don't exactly know why, but I just have this feeling in my gut.  I don't care what Thomas or anyone else says.  I thought about it for a minute.  If I brought her with me, we could somehow remove her ears.  It's official; she's coming back with me,  I need to earn her trust.


     "Hey Millie."  I started.  "I know this seems sudden, and out of nowhere but...would you consider going somewhere with me?"
"Where?"  She asked.  Her brown sparked up.
"Where so I begin?"  I said under my breath.  She looked at her with wonder.  So I told her my story.  Everything about Eren, how I was knocked out, and how the people who teleported me sent me to the wrong year.  She looked at me skeptically.
"So if you'd like to, do you want to come back with me?  To the future?"  I asked her.
"But how?  How do you plan to get me out of here?"  She asked doubtfully.  I sat there for a moment thinking out our plan.
"Well, if I come back at night, I can come and get you." 
"From the future, or not, I'm always in for and adventure."  She beamed.
I glanced at the lock.  It looked rusty and easy to break.  I scanned the area, and cautiously broke the lock.  It was already starting to get dark.
"See you soon, Millie."  I said as I quickly ran away, making sure that nobody saw me, into the patch of forest that I came from.

Even though I promised myself not to, I took a nap.  As I was starting to fall asleep, my mind wandered.  Eren is dead now.  She's not coming back.  I teared up a bit as the rough grass swept across my skin.  I couldn't keep on trying to save her.  I was so mad with myself; I hated having these kinds of thoughts.  But I eventually, had to bury Eren in my heart; And it had to happen soon.

I had woke up from my nap only about an hour later.  Although I was under a shrub, and it was hard to spot me in this kind of lighting, I still couldn't risk the small chance of me being found.  I had no choice but to quietly sit there.  I waited for what felt like hours, until I was sure of myself that everyone was sound asleep.  I carefully creeped my way around the woods, making sure not to make a sound.  I walked through the tents, one step at a time, trying to find which one Millie was in.  I reluctantly opened a flap to a tent, the only one with a light still on.  Millie had promised to keep a candle on late at night, So I could find her with her silhouette.  I was greeted to her warm smile.
"Let's go."  I said as I gripped her arm.  We both quietly crept through the tents, back into the wooded area where I had been hiding out.  Just as we made it into the woodline, we heard loud footsteps behind us.  Both of us fell silent.  She and I both knew that they weren't the footsteps of a some kind of animal, but rather one of a human.  I looked at her, grabbed her arm, and bolted into the forest.  Trees and branches brushed against our faces.  But my short legs couldn't take us too far.  In a panic, I threw myself down on the ground, bringing Millie down with me.

    We were dead quiet as the footsteps ran by us.
"Probably some pranksters."  A  loud voice called as we stayed there, lying on the ground.  We stayed there for at least an hour, just to be safe.  We were both too scared to move.
"I think it's safe."  I whispered after a while."  Millie knotted back, her ears jumping back and forth.  As I reached into my pocket, to teleport us back, I stared blankly at her.
"Is something wrong?"  She asked, clearly worried.
I managed to get the words out.  "The device that was supposed to send us back.  It's gone."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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