oh so fast, welp its 8th grade now

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Wow how do I start this one. Well I was still the same person as 7th just very inexperienced with everything. There was this new girl that came to the school in 8th, her name was eden. I met her while insulting another friend I had. Wasnt the best thing but I still befriended her and mainly hung out with her for the most of the first half of the school year. We were good friends and I'd come to be her friend for years after. We had a group after that, that being me, eden, diego, hope and a last member I dont remember but I got in fights with her. But before it was that whole group. It was just me and her. I liked her I ain't gonna lie. So I did the only moves that I knew. That being plain out asking her to be my girlfriend. I did and she said yes. We dated for a week. I literally didnt even do much until after we broke up but years later on that I'll go into.  So we broke up but we still stayed friends and stayed in the group and all that. It stayed for a while. Then one day in my 4th period of middle school. My teacher "ms Munoz" had introduced a new student. Her name was leticia but I didnt pay any mind to her. I didnt care for her honestly but I could tell she was looking at me weirdly. I thought it was cuz of my eyes because well I was crosseyed(up until a surgery I had in February of 2021 so basically a month ago from this was written)  but I didnt think too much of it. I tried to be the character of a mysterious loner. Turns out everyone thought I hated them. I didnt. I just didnt talk to anyone and now looking back. I was being very obnoxious about it but i wouldnt change it. I also had made this new friend named Lucas, I believe he was autistic but i wasnt sure. Back to leticia. So she quickly made alot of friends I think and I didnt care. It didnt matter to me. I had my own friends. So she had started being friends with this other girl named kristina. I wish I had gotten closer to her before but I didnt. But now she was known as this duo of her and kristina. One day I see her and idk why I did this but I invited leticia to sit with me and the group I had. I didnt know at the time that she liked me but yeah. I didnt know anything. So that happens and the day goes on. So its abit late to set the date but basically me being with eden was in august 2017 and leticia coming was in September 2017 and now we are in october 2017 . Anyways I had just gotten instagram because I wanted to talk to people. Because honestly other than the eden group and the jock group I'd walk home with still. I had noone to talk to out of school. So I made a account and I'd just scroll on it, not do much. Then one day i see leticias account and so I text her while I was watching the deathnote live action movie. That part didnt matter but yeah. So by the beginning of the movie I text her a simple "hey" and she didnt even respond and she just blocks me. So I don't try. Then I dont remember how it was but I think she unblocked me and then realized who I was.  But yeah we start texting and we talk from like october to november 5th 2017. We didnt say anything of significance or so I thought. She kept giving me signs that she had feelings but I didnt. I got to be honest. I didnt. I had my sights on another girl I talked to named julissa. She was pretty nice and all but I dont remember why I liked her. Probably middle school shit. But anyways I believe on the 3rd. She confessed her feelings to me and I being stupid and wanting a girl just as any middle school guy would want. I lied and said I did too. And so on the 5th. We got together. By this time I had only listened to the first man on the moon album by kid cudi. So basically from 2 songs to 18. And I listened to other miscellaneous songs of his such as "king wizard", "just what I am", "kitchen", "rose golden", "by design" and others from his motm 2 album and pp&ds and indicud album. So basically if you one kid CuDis music. That was the mood of all of this. I call the beginning of 7th grade and first semester of 8th grade as the "man on the moon era". Anyways I'll write more tommorow maybe

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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