Family reunion

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This Is 100% either Raven and BB (obviously with BB having a crush on Robin) or Robin and Jason (with Jason having a crush on Cy, even though they're already a couple.) I hope you don't mind, there will be a lot of cyborg x jason and not a lot of BBROB. I know you guys came here for BBROB but it wouldn't hurt to see a different ship right? Anyways, enjoy my Hatters 🤗!

🖤🤍❤️ Jason POV ❤️🤍🖤

Starfire ended up being the one who knocked out Dr. Light. We sent him straight to jail. We took Cyborg home to see if he was ok, he was breathing so at least he's not dead.

"I think we need to call his dad, he looks pretty damaged and none of us know how to fix him." Dick said to all of us, but it seemed directed at me.

"Sure, I guess." Is all I got out of my mouth. I wasn't saying much because I was trying to hide my emotions, god dangit Bruce!

I went to Robins room. I didn't really live here so I didn't have my own room. I got my bag, (yes I brought a bag, shut up,) grabbed oversized my hoodie (shut the hell up) and put it on, I forgot to bring pants so I just went without them.

"Whatcha doin in my room?" Dick asked. "Being depressed." I answered sarcastically. I just wanted to be left alone, but that wasn't happening, at least with Dick around.

"I'm guessing you're either scared because you don't know if Cy is going to make it, or you're nervous about his dad coming over." Dick said with a smirk.

"Why would I be scared if Cy's dad is coming over?" I asked. "Because, I don't know, maybe because the last thing you want is to meet your boyfriends dad while your boyfriend is in a coma." Dick said, knowing full well that I never told anyone.

"Pssh, he's not my boyfriend." I said, laughing nervously. "Oh, ok." Dick muttered as he walked out of the room. After a few minutes he came back in with a picture in his hand.

"Then why are you wearing his old hoodie?" Dick asked with a smirk on his face.

"Where the hell did you get that picture!?!" It was kinda more of a yell than a question. "Answer my question first." Dick said back.

"I stole it, alright?" I answered, I was getting irritated. "How? He's half robot, don't you think he would have heard or seen you?" Dick asked.

"I must be really good at stealing it guess?" I was trying to make up an excuse, but nothing was working.

"Yeah, that's not working on me." Dick sat down beside me. "Hey, listen, it's ok. You don't have to be ashamed of who you are." Dick reassured me. "How come you never told me before?"

"Because I think you should mind your own beeswax." I laughed. "Sorry that I barged into your room. I was actually going to be at the Batcave but Bruce is in their kissing jokers ass off." I said rolling my eyes.

A/n So in this, joker is a good guy and it Catwoman who "killed" Jason. Don't question it, just go with it. If you go to my story "if I was in a Batman x Joker fanfic" that will explain more. So don't at me if you don't ship it or if you just want to point out that Joker killed Jason Todd. Ok sorry for that interruption, enjoy my hatters 🤗!

"Wait, what? B and Jokes are together?" Dick asked. "Um, yeah? Shouldn't you know this already?" I asked. "Well I guess I've been so busy with other stuff I never really got the time to think about B's relationship with, anyone really." Dick answered.

❤💚💛 Robin's POV 💛💚❤

Well, there goes my fear of coming out to B. My fear of coming out to the titans was long gone when I found out that Cy and Jason are a thing. Really the only person I have to worry about is Starfire, and she is not the kind of person to judge people.

And Beast Boy.

I also have Beast boy to worry about.

I mean, yeah he kinda flirted with me. And he cuddled with me, but what if he didn't enjoy it and thought he had to do it because I'm his leader? What if he's just flirting with me to mess with my head? What if I come out to him and confess my feelings to him and he rejects me and never wants to see me again and gets so disgusted that he leaves the team and the rest of the titans get mad at me and-

"EARTH TO DICK!" Jason yelled while snapping his fingers in front of my face. I snap out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry, what were you saying before?" I asked.

"I wasn't saying anything until you were muttering beast boys name and almost having a mild panic attack." Jason said kinda pissed. "Is there something between you two that you haven't told me about?" Jason asked.

"Kinda? I wish? Its complicated." I sigh. "I'm in love with Beast Boy, but I don't know if he feels the same way." It felt good getting that out. "Well that's it. You don't know. And you will never find out until he tells you. And he won't tell you unless you ask. So it begs the question, will you ask?" This, by far, was the smartest thing he has ever said.

"You stole that from the internet didn't you?" I asked. "Nope, came out of this brain of mine." Jason answered.

"How did something so smart come out of a brain so small?" I joked. "Hey!" Jason laughed, playfully shoving me.

"Hey, um, thanks. For uh, helping me out." I said genuinely. "That's what brothers are for right?" Jason asked. "Yeah, I guess. Come on, Cy's dad is going to be here any minute now, I'm sure raven can spawn some clothes for you." I said with a grin.

~le time skip~

"Hey! Um, Mr. Stone sir." Jason greeted him nervously. "So, because of you my son is now in a coma?" Cy's dad asked in a calm but intimating voice.

"Yeah- I mean- no, it was technically Dr. Lights fault?" Jason was trying his best to not seem like an idiot. "But you're right I totally should have done something. Trust me I hate myself right now as much as you hate me if not more." Jason was explaining nervously.

"That must be a very high bar then, I need to work now so go play video games or something." Mr. Stone told us in an annoyed tone.

Jason went back to the Batcave to pick up something, Raven and Starfire were in stars room doing god knows what, and me and BB were just sitting on the couch talking.

"Hey, um, so when you said that your favorite color is blue, I was kind of, surprised." Beast boy told me. "Really? Why?" I asked.

"Well, because your hair looks amazing when the sun is shining on it, I figured since your hair is one of your best qualities, you would like it at its best." Beast boy answered touching my hair. I couldn't help but blush. This was probably the nicest and sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. He realized what he said and pulled his hand away. His cheeks were getting redder by the minute.

"I mean your cape. Your cape is yellow, so I figured-" Beast boy was cut off by Mr. Stone telling us that he has news and he needs everyone to come. I called Jason and told him to be here shortly.

"I gathered you guys here because I have news. Cy will make it, but some of the damage got to his brain and he now has memory loss. It can range between forgetting a conversation to forgetting who he had that conversation with." Cy's dad said.

"Hey raven, could you reach into his mind and find out who or what he forgot?" I asked. She nodded her head and did some kind of spell. She looked surprised when she stopped her spell.

"Maybe you should find out for yourself." She said quietly. When Cy's dad finished fixing Cy, Cy started to wake up.

"Hey Cyborg!" Beast boy said while waving his hand. "Hey beasty." Cy groaned as if he just woke up.

"Hey, Cy." Jason said quietly approaching him, he had a sad smile and, was he crying?

Cyborg just looked at him, confused.

Oh no!

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Cyborg asked

Ack! I'm so sorry! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭! I hope you enjoyed this despite the sad ending, don't worry, I'll make more chapters. Ok bye my Hatters 🤗!

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