Chapter 1

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Y/N you need to learn how to respect me, all you ever do is talk back to me and I'm sick of it, your father says yelling at you.

I'm sorry father, you say, lowering your head.

You need to learn respect and if I have to force it out of you will, he says making his way over to you. You will learn to respect the way I run this house do you understand, he asks hitting you in the face. You fall to the floor as he continues to kick you in the stomach.

I'm sorry father it won't happen again, promise, I'll never talk back to you again, please just stop, you beg him.

Oh, I know it won't happen again, he grins evilly, because this will teach you.

Before you could say anything back to him he takes out his wand and utters the word that you hoped he would never say.


You let out a blood curtailing scream as you jerk in pain.

S-stop p-please I c-can't t-take it, you say as tears are streaming down you face.

After around two hours of constant abuse he finally stops. You look at the clock on the wall and see that is say 12:15 am.

You slowly get up and check to see that you father is asleep before leaving the house as fast as you could. You had nowhere to go, you were alone, you just kept running, until you came upon a huge house a manor of sorts. You could feel your legs giving up on you. You started to feel dizzy and weak. Your body was finally feeling the effects of the curse and the abuse from your father. You keep pushing yourself to at least make it to the front doors. As you get to the doors you use the last bit of strength to pound on the door hoping that someone would come.

After about 30 seconds someone comes to open the door, the last thing you remember before passing out is a woman with dark brown and blonde hair slowly opening the door.

Narcissa's POV

Yes? I ask wondering who it could be at this hour. I look up to see a young girl who looked to be around 19 or 20 years old. She did't say anything to me just stood there.

Can I help you? I ask, but before she could answer she passed out. I quickly caught her and took her inside. She was lighter than I imagined she would be from how old she looked. I could not help but think of how pretty she was, even though she had blood on her face and clothes. She looked like she had been in a fight of some sort. I quickly made my way inside calling for one of the house elves.

Yes, how can I help you Mistress.

I need you to fetch me some first aid supplies, and a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt from my room please, I say as I make my way to my study.

Of course Mistress is there anything else Mimi can get for you?

Yes, could you bring me some coffee please I will be in my study bring it to me when it's ready if you will.

Of course Mistress I am always happy to help, it says making its way to get the things.

I finally get to my study and make my way to the large couch. I gently place her down making sure not to hurt her in the process. Mimi knocks on the door and enters with the first aid supplies and the change of clothes and I thank her as she leaves.

The outfit

I begin to clean up the girls face taking the cleansing solution on a cotton pad and gently wiping her face

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I begin to clean up the girls face taking the cleansing solution on a cotton pad and gently wiping her face. Suddenly Lucius comes barging into the room.

I heard Mimi walking around in your room what are you doing at this hour and who the hell is that, he says pointing to the unconscious girl next to me.

I'm not exactly sure, I say looking back over at her stroking her hair. She was at the front door and when I opened it she fainted. I couldn't just leave her there. It's freezing out right now you know this Lucius, I explain in an annoyed tone.

Yes, you could and now you woke me up for no reason.

I'm sorry but I did not wake you up, we sleep in two different rooms. You could have gone back to sleep and not come out of your room if you didn't want to.

Whatever, he says as he leaves.

Mimi finally comes back into the room with the coffee and I thank her once again as she leaves.

Back to third person POV

You slowly start to open your eyes not recognizing where you are. You look over to see a older looking woman making herself what looks to be a cup of coffee. You try to get the room to stop spinning but nothing seems to help.

W-where am I, you say trying to get up.

Hey hey, It's alright darling your safe, she says gently pushing back down on the couch.

Who are you, you ask looking at her.

My name is Narcissa Malfoy, what yours, she asks smiling at you.

Y/N, Y/N Snape, you say looking down at your hands.

What happened, you ask looking at her.

You knocked on the door to the manor and when I came to the door you passed out. I caught you before you fell, and brought you inside. I cleaned your arms and face up at bit and brought you a spare set of clothes in case you wanted to change. Can I ask you what happened?

You look up at her and then back down at your hands that you were currently fidgeting with. Well I was at home with my father and he got mad again. I accidentally talked back to him and he got angry.

Did he hit you, the older woman asks looking into Y/E/C eyes.

Y-yes he hit, kicked and used the Cruciatus Curse on me, you say as tears start streaming down your face.

I'm so sorry that happened darling, it will be alright, I promise. Do you have anywhere to stay?

No and I don't want to go back to my father I don't know what he will do when he find out I left. Please you can't, you beg.

Shhhh, it's going to be alright darling, I won't let him hurt you again, I promise, she says slowly pulling you into a tight hug being careful not to scare you.

Thanks, you say looking into her brown eyes.

Of course darling, would you like to change, she asks.

Y-Yes, you say looking at her.

Alright, I'll leave you to change, she says making her way to the door.

N-No, you says quickly. She turns around. Could you stay, I don't want to be alone.

Sure darling, she says warmly as she walks back over to you.

You try to stand but your legs give out from under you and you start to fall.

Narcissa quickly catches you.

Easy Y/N, she says as he helps you sit back down. Would you like some help?

You slowly nod to her looking down and the ground blushing.

She lightly laughs and grabs the fresh clothes.

She begins to help you out of your blood stained shirt to reveal your very visible rib cage.

Oh Y/N, she says looking at your protruding ribs. When was the last time you ate she asks, with a concerned look on her face.

Umm I can't remember, you say looking down at the ground. Like two or three weeks ago, you say.

She gently take your face in her hands, you flinch a bit at her touch but instantly relax as your eyes meet hers.

Let's get you something to eat then shall we she say, smiling at you.

Alright, you say slowly getting up and taking her hand, stumbling a little.

Are you still a bit dizzy she asks?

Yea just a bit, you says trying to steady yourself.

It's alright I have something that will help, if you would like.

Yes please, you say greatfully as you make your way to the kitchen with her.

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