Part 5: Got him back

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"Hey hey hey! Relax!" The voice now sounded more harsh. I opened my eyes a little more to see. A needle...

I started to squirm. Trying to get away from it. But I was too weak and the person holding me was too strong.

It for injected into my arm. I screamed a little until I was met with darkness...

Levi POV (before bursting in)

The MP's! Do they think we killed them!?

The MP's once they got the opportunity they jumped on, the overprotective hot head Mikasa.

"Get off me!!" Mikasa was flailing around trying to get out of their grip. But more MP's would jump on her.

I had enough. I went over to the pile and kicked them all off the roof. Other than Mikasa. I help the annoyed girl off the ground.

"Thanks I guess..." The rest got the MP's off them. "Now time to find Eren-" I was cut off by a loud scream. It sounded like someone was getting brutally stabbed to death...

"That sounded like Eren!" Hange finally landed on roof we were on.

"Ya don't say shitty glasses! It took you long enough! Now let's go!" We all took off towards to the screaming boy, more like the sound.

It lead to a house right near the underground entrance... Smart place to put it...

Some random lady ran out of her house and grabbed my arm "thank god your here! Some poor boy has been screaming for a hour straight! It has just got loud after a heard a bang! Please help him!"

She was a sobbing mess. Of course we were going to help him. "We will... I just need you to go back inside and be safe. If your in the way we can't work effectively."

She did just I commanded. I was going to kick this door down if it was the last thing I would do... I heard metal on the concrete what's happening!?

I stepped back and in 3...2...1...


Levi POV (normal time)

I kicked the door as hard as I could, it broke quite easily. I didn't even hurt my ankle at all actually.

I rushed in to hear one more agonizing scream for Eren. What I saw shocked me. I froze. Seconds later everyone rushed in and apprehended Birtholdt and Reiner.

Hange and I ran to Eren. He looked really tired like he wanted to pass out. "Hey! Keep your eyes open! You can sleep later!" I held Eren in my arms and Hange got out the injection.

It was going to hopefully help him heal and give him a safe rest without dying on us... I lifted up his arm and I cringed at what I saw... His hand was hanging there, while the bone was completely broken. His hands were broken to...

Once Eren saw the needle he started to squirm. Trying to get out of my grip. It surprised me on how weak he was... I didn't even have to tighten my grip..

After a while he gave up... It broke my heart.. he was so tired he didn't even have the energy to fight back...

Hange injected him. He made a little sound, like a broken whimper... He was soon out of it.

"Okay let's get him back to HQ..." I stood up with Eren in my arms. Hange stood up and put a hand on my shoulder.

"He will be okay. Believe me Levi. My baby titan won't give up that easy!" Hange gave a bright smile while brushing Eren's chocolate locks out of his eyes.

I looked down at Eren. "Yeah he will..." Hange and I looked over at Reiner and Birtholdt.

"Don't worry shorty! Were taking them in!" Hange walked over to Reiner. She picked him up by his collar. "They will get what they deserve!" Hange threw him back on the ground. She just looked at Birtholdt and walked off.

We took off for HQ.


Petra POV

I kicked one of the tables in the mess hall "UGH SERIOUSLY!?" they got Eren back! That means I probably have to go back to my squad!

"Petra is everything okay?" Erwin walks in. The last person I want to see!

"Yes commander Erwin!" Putting on my happy smile as always but it was only filled with hatred.

"I heard Levi squad caught the people who hurt Eren and got him back, isn't that great!" Erwin was happy as always, he had a liking to Eren.

"Yeah absolutely perfect." I have to get out of here to avoid talking to Erwin further.

Walking away to leave Erwin spoke up breaking the silence that was between us other than my footsteps.

"You don't seem so happy that Eren is alive." Just the conversation I wanted to have.. not.

I spun around on my heals. "No no I'm happy I just don't want to leave Levi squad. After all I was just there to replace Eren, now he's back there's no place for me."

I looked down. My hair was covering my face. "Would you please keep me in Levi squad and change Eren to Mike's?"

I looked up hair still in my face. I had to act sad after all, I needed to stay in Levi squad!

"I'm sorry Petra but with Eren's titan abilities Levi has to keep a close eye on him." I cut him off by taking one big step in front of him.

"Mike can look after him! He's experienced enough! Your always with Mike anyway!" I stepped away realising my outburst

"I-I mean." Trying to clarify myself I was cut off. "Your so bitchy Petra" a figure walked through the door. A person no other than Mikasa the overprotective child walked through the door.

"Mikasa glad to see your back! How's Eren?" Erwin turned around to face Mikasa and turning his back to me.

She saluted. "Commander Erwin! He just got to Hange's office! He's under inspection!" She dropped her salute.

I walked off at that stage I didn't want to hear about that lucky bastard!


Levi's POV

We got Eren to Hanji's office. She was gonna look at him there.

It was a miracle that he survived with Reiner and Birtholdt for months and also survived the poison they gave him.

It probably wasn't a deadly poison, probably one to make him really weak for days.

I dressed him in more comfortable clothes while Hanji cleaned him up. They were great like they, they might be a crazy  scientist but they always took extra care when it came to Eren.

Hanji cleaned him up completely and his titan healing powers started to work again but slowly.

Before Hanji injected him with some sort of liquid, I didn't know what it was but apparently they knew real well.

"Great now that it kickstarted his  healing abilities he should heal up fast enough!" They had a big grin on their face.

"What was wrong with him anyway?" They turned around to face Eren again and put a hand on his forehead.

"Well it's hard to explain but what I found was broken bones when the chair fell it broke his arm, leg and so on. Reiner pulling on the chains broke is thumbs and ankles." They turned around to face me.

"No internal bleeding witch it great but extreme head trauma. He had been hit many times but what's good is that his titan abilities are starting again so he should be alright." They pushed their glasses up.

I had a horrified look on my face. How the hell could two people put someone through this torture.

Just than as we were talking we heard a gasp and thrashing around.


~if only I knew how much I needed you~ Eren x levi Where stories live. Discover now