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Rumbling, Shaking...the classroom seemed to be vibrating around us, The Interscience Teacher had a confused and horrified look on her face which said it all, a student ran by our window, then another, then a whole multitude, that was our cue, the student closest to the door was out in a flash.

"Don't go outside" the Teacher cried out,

"Who be this one again?, don't worry we go come back now now, we want to check somebody outside"  I thought to myself

At the corridor, the chaos was even worse than it sounded, students pushing one another, stampede, girls falling over (not trying to sound sexist, that's what happened, I swear!), in the midst of the chaos, I noticed Lawal (a classmate) climbing the railing and going over the edge (baba needed to be safe and sound as soon as possible), after the struggle of pushing my fellow students out the way (I know, I know, horrible human being blah blah blah), I was finally downstairs, safe.

Then I heard a loud thud, I looked the direction the sound came from, our P.H.E teacher who had a class with sss3 students at the third floor had apparently jumped down (Oshey!, Deadpool's nephew with the super hero landing), I guess he was P.H.E teacher for a reason.

Rumors were going round about what happened, nobody had a solid story, just outrageous downright insane theories about the situation, someone said the building Tilted (Which sounded like a meth head's version), another said there was an Earthquake (in Nigeria? Noooo, our only natural disaster is our Government).

Long story short, a part of the concrete at the top floor broke off, and landed on some desks and hit a student and everyone lost their mind when it vibrated the building, trust Lagosians to flip out at the slightest of commotion.

Fucking John ran too though, impending sense of doom will do that to you.

Mumu fine boy 😒😒

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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