"Liam! I havent seen you in like forever." I screamed as my famous brother walked in with the rest of one direction. " Nikiya, you need to start tak- LIAM! my babyboy is home i missed you so much!" she droped the basket filled with my clothes that i left in the kitchen. Our mum ran up to Liam and gave him a bear. As they were hugging i looked at his friends. One of them had black hair with a blonde streak in the front. The one next to him had really nice brown curly hair. Then the one next to him had brown shaggy type of hair and was whispering something to curly (my nickname for him till i figure out his name) then he laughed. The last one had like brown hair died blonde with blue eyes he looked at me with his ocean blue eyes. and i looked back at Liam and mum who just boke away from the hug. " Mum and Nikiya this is Zayn,Harry,Louis, and Niall." he said going down the line i gave them all my hand to shake but they insist on giving me a hug. " So Liam are you staying for a few weeks? or do you have to leave withing 5 days?" i said as i looked at him with my blue orbes.
"Im sorry to say this but we can only stay for 3 days. Simons orders."Liam said.
"wow. then what happens we dont see you for a year cause of stupid tour" i said while choking back tears. i ran upstairs to my room and slamed my door and locked it. There was a knock on my door. "Go away" i said as i sat on my bed face in my pillow so it sounded like "fa gwhy"
" Its me Louis. Can i come in please Nicki?" LOuis said while wingling the door knobe. I sighed and got off my bed and opened my door to not only see Louis but the 4 other boys.
"why dontyou just all come in?" isaid in ascarsticly voice.
"Why thank you, You know your room smells nice." Louis says as he walks in my room.
"Why are you so worried about not seeing Liam?" Zayn whisperd as he gave me a hug.
Harrys like " How come your rooms Blue and not pink. Did you steal Li's room?" i giggled and shooked my head yes.
"Sis if it makes you feel better you can come on tour with us. Im pretty sure the guys wont mind?" Liam said with a serouis look on his face.
"whach out jeez Liam I got to go in you know your not the only livin freek that wants to join the party?" Niall said as he squeezed through the door fram and Liam. I giggled and everyone looked at me. "Look guys i would go but my mum is gonna need help wit-" "Honey, just go you've been complaining about missing your brother so much now hes offering you to go on tour with him. No i am not listening to you complain about how oi, i wish i went with Liam and the others i am so terrible yadh yadah yadah. YOU ARE GOING! thats final cause its an order." my mum says. She was right though id do excaclty what she said. i said "Fine i'll go does anyone wanna help me pack?" when i said that my suit cases were on my bed clothes getting thrown into them and my make-up. When one of the boys hit my bra drower. " Why do all boys have to be the same." i grabed my bra from Niall and threw it into my bag and grabed the rest of my bras and underwear. and i was ready for tour. Boy did i miss my brother.