Part 1

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"Shot! Shot! Shot!", everyone in the Iiving room yelled and you and your bestie downed shot after shot.

You were faster than her and stood up screaming in victory while the others cheered for you. She rolled her eyes and drank her last shot.

"I'll never win against you, will I?", Carly whined and removed the ribbon from her hair so her curls fell over her shoulders.

"You just have to practice a bit more",  you said winking and pinched her cheek making her roll her eyes. "You have too much time to party and drink alcohol."

"You should get yourself a boyfriend", she said fixing your hair which was messed up after the round of shots, "here are a lot of hot boys from college and high school, whatever your heart desires."

Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not looking for a boyfriend", you said loudly because of the music and groaned as she pulled down your shirt to expose your cleavage more.

"Whatever", she shrugged looking around to spot your friends setting up a new drinking game, "go and have fun. I'll see you later." You sighed and decided to go outside to get some fresh air since you weren't in the mood for another game.

You walked outside on the terrace and leaned against the cold balustrade on the left side. You could still hear the loud music from inside. A group of boys not your age were standing close to the patio door and smoked.

You were invited to a frat party like almost every other weekend. You liked the way things were, drinking and having fun without any ties. Some might say you threw your life away, but at least you felt like you were really living.

The night was quite warm since July was almost over. You wore tight black jeans and a black, belly crop top and weren't cold. A warm breeze tickled the small hair on your arm and you got goosebumps.

A small smile formed on your lips and you looked up. The sky was clear and covered by millions of bright and sparkling stars.

You liked the calmness in these kind of moments. Far away from the hell of a life in high school, your old self and the never ending questions.

You haven't always been this savage, hot party girl, but now, there was no turning back. You sighed realising you were too deep in your feels again. You needed a drink.

As you were about to go back inside, you felt someone's stare on you.

You stopped and saw him leaning casually against the balustrade with his arms crossed in front of his chest, a smoking cigarette in his left hand.
He was standing with the group of guys who were smoking too.

The corners of your lips went up into a slight smirk as you allowed your eyes to wander over his well-built body.

He wore a white shirt tugged into his tight black pants, which outlined his toned and muscular thighs. His black leather jacket and his dark curly hair, which hung into his obscure eyes, made him look really attractive.

He pierced you with his eyes seeming to look straight to the bottom of your soul before he checked out your figure. You chuckled slightly shaking your head and entered the living room, the loud music immediately hitting your ears.

You walked straight to the kitchen and poured yourself another drink. You quickly downed it wanting to feel the familiar, giggly effect of alcohol rushing through your veins again.

"Y/N!", Carly yelled your name from the living room, "come on, we're playing ring of fire. Let's get drunk!!"

You laughed refilling your cup and walked over to them joining the group of students and highschoolers. You had fun and finally became intoxicated.

You only watched when the others began playing truth or dare and didn't pay much attention being in your own bubble.

Until you met his dark eyes from across the other room. He and two of his smoker friends noticed the loud cheers and whistles from your group of friends in the living room and came over.

You looked up and directly stared into his eyes before he looked away when someone called his name.

"C'mon, Taehyung. You should join us", one of your male friends asked, "we need some male reinforcement here." He laughed and they agreed to play.

You rested your eyes on him and watched how he interacted with the others. You noticed how he naturally attracted all the other girls gazes. He laughed and played along but there was no emotion in his eyes.

The girls were intimidated by his appearance and knew he was out of their reach which made them feel drawn to him. He incorporated both, lust and strength.

"I dare you to go upstairs into one of the empty bedrooms with Y/N and stay there locked up for an hour", Carly dared him giggling evilly making you snap out of your thoughts.

"What?", you asked irritated gripping your cup tightly, "I'm not even playing."

"Well, you're part of his dare. Now you are", Will said shrugging.

"Fine", you groaned and emptied your cup. You were mad that you had to leave your comfortable seat on the couch.

You didn't look at Taehyung not giving him the satisfaction that he had now the opportunity to be alone with you. Yes, you could have him tonight, but guys like him always meant trouble.

You went straight upstairs and walked into the first empty bedroom followed by him. He closed the door behind you and locked it. You plopped down on the bed and crossed your legs checking him out.

"I know exactly what kind of guy you are", you said wetting your lips, "and I'm not into boys like you."

》just friends was never an option.《

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