Part 8

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You closed the book loudly and sighed lying your head down on it. You finally finished studying for your last exam which you had on Monday.

But for now you could enjoy the weekend and spent the rest of Friday with your boyfriend. You hadn't seen him much this week because of your studies so you were very happy when he texted you that he would stop by at your house at 3pm to pick you up.

You have been dating for three weeks already and you weren't going to lie, you enjoyed spending time with him, a lot. But nothing has happened yet, no one has confessed or anything and neither of you was ready to give in.
It looks like you might have to extend the dare and you wouldn't mind. He was really caring and gentle with you, he made you feel like you were the most precious thing on earth. And you liked that feeling.

The doorbell rang and the frown from all the studying immediately faded away. You walked downstairs and opened the door. You were welcomed by his boxy smile and a swift kiss on your cheek.

"Hey, baby", he said squishing himself past you, "are you ready to go?"

"Wait, wait, wait", you said chuckling closing the door and followed him upstairs, "go where?"

"To the beach, my love", he said entering your room.

"What? But I've never been to the beach before", you said smiling excited.

"Even better", he said opening your wardrobe as if he lived here, "do you own a swimsuit?"

"A bikini, to be precise", you said pulling it out of a drawer. You bought it once for the pool but you never used it until now.

"Okay, then let's go", he said jingling with his car keys.

"Calm down, big guy", you said laughing going changing and quickly packed a towel and sun cream.

You hopped into his car and he drove off with a speed that would give your mother a heart attack. But you enjoyed it, rolling down the window feeling the wind between your fingers and the sun on your face.

After an hour of drive you arrived at the beach and got out of the car. You closed your eyes and inhaled the salty sea air asking yourself why you never came to such a beautiful place earlier.

He took your hand and walked with you to a small pretty beach a few meters away from the parking area.

"Come on, baby", he said taking off his shirt, "the sea is calling."

"About that...", you said placing your bag down on the sand, "I can't really swim."

You were too shy to tell him earlier in the car but now you had no other choice but telling the truth.

"Aw, my cute baby. That's okay, I got you", he said softly and placed a kiss on your lips.

"Today there aren't many waves and it is really shallow here", he said pointing towards the calm sea, "I can teach you."

"Okay", you said still a bit scared but took your clothes off anyway earning a whistle from him.

"Damn, babe", he cursed looking up and down your body, "I'm not sure I can concentrate when you're wearing this."

"I swear to god, Tae. I'm not going if you don't-"

"You are going", he cut you off and snaked his arms around your waist throwing you over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing.

You squealed when he waded into the water and lifted you off his shoulder. He carried you bridal style and walked further.

Then the cold water touched your skin and washed around your body until you were floating in the sea. You tightly held on to his arms scared he might let go of you.

"It's not that bad, is it?", he asked swirling around making the water splash a little. You shook your head and slowly started relaxing.

You leaned your head back and let the water soak your hair. You felt how the drift played with your hair gently pulling it from side to side. You closed your eyes and stretched your arm into the water, the left arm still holding on to him.

"You are so gorgeous", he whispered bending down to shower your face with kisses. You bit your lower lip to contain your wide smile.

He went deeper into the water so that your body was almost at the same level as his face. He connected his lips with your bare skin leaving kisses all over your tummy making you feel the butterflies.

He finished off with an open-mouthed kiss on your lips and smiled at you.

"Enough of this", he said tightening his grip, "now I'll teach you how to swim."

He turned your body around so that you were floating on your stomach and had to lift your chin over the water.

"Now you have to move your arms and legs like this", he said guiding your arms together and then spreading them again, "like a frog you can say."

"Okay", you said copying the movements.

He let go of your body and your head immediately went under water. You hold your breath but it was too late, you already had swallowed some water.

He pulled you up and you puffed and blew water.

"Why did you do that?", you asked irritated smacking his arm, "I hate you!"

"No, you don't", he said laughing and kissed you, "you love me."

You kissed him hungrily back tasting the salt from his lips on your tongue. You put your arms around his neck pulling yourself up and wrapped your arms around his body, his hands resting on your waist.

He carried you out of the water and laid you down on the warm sand positioning himself between your legs.

Your lips moved in sync and you ran your hands through his hair. He broke the kiss and sat up on his knees.

"So, what do you want to do now?", he asked while you were trying to catch your breath.

"Talking?", you said breathily and grabbed your towel to dry yourself off.

"Fine", he said pouting, "you can start off by telling me why you got kicked out of high school."

"Oh, that story", you said pulling a face, "let's start with something different first."

"Okay but don't wait too long. Tonight we'll have a beach party here", he said sitting down next to you.

You felt a slight sting knowing that he came here because of the party not to spend time with you.

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