Chapter 3. Who may y'all be?

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Tasia slowly opened the door and saw one of the maids at the door. "Sorry to bother you but the room you asked for is done now." The maid said. "Oh thank you and may I have the key for it?" The maid nodded her head. She passed Tasia the key and a pice of paper. After she gave her the keys she nicely excused herself and left. Tasia shut the door and looked at everyone. We all got kinda scared since we was watching an scary movie. "Ok guys the food should be done soon then we can all either go to are room or we can hang together for an little bit." Tasia said as she walked back to her seat on the floor. I looked up at Alex and whispered "Are you fine with me laying on you?" She looked at me and smile "Sure I don't really mind you laying there." So I quietly thanked her and put my head on her lap. Tasia unpaused the movie and we all went back to watching the movie

Time skip
After the movie ended we all went back to talking about random stuff. "Guys tomorrow do you wanna have an fighting contest?" Mikes asked and looked at everyone. We all nodded are heads and agreed that tomorrow we all would have an fighting contest. There was then a nock at the door. Tasia went to open it. "Sorry to bother you but dinner is ready" one of the butler's said. "Thank your for letting us know we will be down there shortly." Tasia replied with an smile and she signaled us to get up and follow her. I got off Alex lap. She helped me up and we stared walking together following Tasia. For some reason I felt really safe around her. While we was walking I saw Kayla and Chapel in front of us. Kayla walked towards me and whispered "Don't get too comfortable Tay we might can't trust them and have to go." When Kayla said that I could see she was kinda sad. I just looked down and nodded. Kayla then grabbed my hand an squeezed it. She then walked back up and talked to Chapel

"What was that about." Alex said questioning why Kayla was whispering to me. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." I said looking down, I really wanted to trust them but what if they are lying and gonna capture us. I slowly walked off. I tried to walk off but Alex grabbed my hand. I just looked at her confused. "Tay whatever you thinking just don't worry about it too much." Alex said as she kept holding my hand. I just looked an her and made an small smile. I didn't really mind us holding hands so we just walked holding hands.

As we was walking I saw Tay and Alex holding hands. Of course I had to point it out to Chapel. "Chapel look over there." I whispered. Chapel looked an saw them holding hands. We both started to laugh and then Chapel grabbed my hand and smirked at me. I smirked back and we just kept holding hands. We finally made it to the eating area and me and Chapel let go go each other hands. I walked towards Tay and grabbed her hand and made her follow me to sit down so we could go eat. She looked at me shocked but waved bye too Alex. Me and Tay went to go take an seat. "Thank you for everyone making it to dinner." The chef said and while he said that people was serving everyone food. "I see we have two new people who may y'all be ?" The chef asked an little confused. "Oh there the queens guest for when they return." Tasia replied to the chef.

Everyone started to eat. Everyone was having small talk. It was only me and everyone we met earlier. After an few minutes I looked at Tay and saw she didn't really touched her food. "Tay eat something it's disrespectful if you don't eat what the chef has cooked." I whispered to Tay. She looked at me like I was crazy and just went back to looking at the floor. I'm so tired of my cousin she always act like she not hungry when she haven't ate really all day. So I did what I always do and I smacked her in the back of the head. It was kinda loud where everyone stoped eating and looked at us. " what did I tell you about not eating. Eat the food!" I yelled at her. "Ok ok calm down Jamal." Tay said with stuff some potatoes in her mouth. "Sorry about that." I apologize for being loud. They just nodded there head and went back to eating.

POV :Tay
After we got done eating we all when the back to the big room. "It's getting late how about we all go to are  rooms and get sleep? We can meet back in this room tomorrow." Tasia announced to all of us. Everyone stared to walk out the room. "Aye Tasia what room are we?" Kayla asked. Tasia passed us are key and paper and said, "y'all are in room upstairs and room 227 the stairs are up to your right." We nodded are heads and said thank you, we walked out and went up the stairs. As we walked up the stairs. I was behind Kayla and then I pulled her sleeve a lil bit. "Huh" kayla mumbled. I didn't say anything I just looked at her. She turned around "what's up Tay?" I didn't know what to say. I mean I did I just don't wanna say it. "Never mind don't worry about it." I said as I stared to walk I a little faster up the stairs. We then made it to are room. The first thing I did was laid in the bed.

Kayla then closed the door and said, "you must not used to all the new things?" I guess she was still on what happened at the stairs. "Yes I guess, I just don't really like new things so it's kinda weird." I replied to her question. She then walked up to me and patted my head. "Tay everything will be just fine if we need to we can escape and leave." She said with an smile. She then laid on the bed next to me and stared taking my ponytail down and my hair clips."what are u doing?" I asked confused, I wanted to know why she was messing with my hair. "Imma fix your hair so you can go to sleep, you look tired." Kayla put two braids in my hair. Then she walked around the room and found an something to put over my hair. "Do you want me to braid your hair?" I asked her because I didn't want her to braid her own hair by herself. She nodded her head. I then buy two braids in her hair two and wrapped her hair. "Imma go to sleep goodnight Tay." Kayla said as she walked to her bed. "Goodnight." I said as I slowly tried to go to sleep.

POV: Angle
I was walking around. I was scared because my cousins haven't came back yet. They said they would be back and wasn't gonna be gone for long. Then I saw Mother E walking towards me. "Angle, Where are Tay and Kayla." Momma e said she sounded mad. "I don't know." I said bluntly. "You know what imma look at there tracker on there pendant." She grabbed me and walked to an room that had lot's of machines. She then looked on her computer and looked at some codes and stuff. "Why am I here agin?" I asked I wanted to go in my room. "Your gonna bring them back!" She said mad. "Or wha-" before I could finish what I was gonna say she grabbed my by my shirt and had electricity coming out her other hand."Or else there gonna be some real problems."

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