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All three teams had been walking for about an hour which made them start feeling restless. They all wanted to go on rides and just have a free day but they couldn't unless they found the yellow thing. Unknown to the staff there were currently some members that were communicating with each other even though they probably weren't supposed to.

Jinnie quickly told her team what she was doing since she didn't want to do something that could affect the team without them knowing. She was surprised that they also agreed to asking the others for their hint. Jinnie was pretending to zoom in to the picture but she was actually typing out a message to the other members. She quickly made a group chat with the others hoping that her members were the ones holding the phone because she just wanted to figure out the picture.

Jinnie raised her head to look around so that she wouldn't get caught. She knew that it was bad of her to cheat but she wanted to win, cheating also made for more entertaining content which was what they needed so she decided it was a win-win. She quickly wrote out a message then slipped the phone back into her pocket going over to start looking with Soobin.

'What image do you guys have'

Jimin was looking at the picture when she saw the message pop up, at first she thought it was a mission but then she noticed that it was Jinnie. She was surprised it took this long for one of the other two to start cheating. She was cautious that if she gave her hint, then Jinnie wouldn't give up her own hint. She walked over to the other two and pretended to show them the picture, once she got the okay from them she sent the message to Jinnie.

'You first cheater'

Yeonjun had the phone in his hand when he felt it buzzing and he was confused about the messages. Whoever was messaging in the group chat were arguing about who should send their hint first. He quickly looked around then tapped Yoonji on the shoulder which caused her to turn around from where she was spinning in circles ahead of him. He showed her the phone as if he was showing her the picture again, she looked at it and hid her smile behind her hand.

Yoonji knew that it was Jimin and Jinnie fighting with each other to give up the hint first. She suddenly thought of how she could gain more of the picture and that was in giving up her members. She quickly raised herself on her tippy toes to whisper in Yeonjun's ear. 'We give up the other teams so that we can get the picture and so we can win this"

As soon as Yoonji stepped forward to tell the producers, one of the staff came up to them saying that they had to head to a meeting spot for all the teams. Even though they were confused about what was going on they quickly followed the staff member to where the other teams would be.

They were all rounded up in front of a stand where you had to throw a ring around a fish bowl and if you won, you got the fish. Yoonji heard an amused scoff coming from her left and saw that Beomgyu was pointing towards a lemonade stand. Yoonji in that instance wanted to punch herself because they all had literally passed by it when they entered the park.

"You have to be kidding me," Jimin gasped while staring at the lemonade stand that was the picture that they were supposed to have figured out. It was very cute though.

The lemonade stand was Tomorrow by Together themed in order to congratulate them on their debut and to spread the word about the band. The members of TXT stared at it in shock since this was the first time that they had something like this done.

Soobin looked at the stand and looked at the staff as if asking for permission to go to the stand.

"Okay, there was a time limit that you guys didn't know about. We wanted to see if anyone could come to the stand within the time frame since you all unknowingly passed it earlier. None of you did which is why we decided to treat you all to lemonade before we start the new mission." The producer quickly explained why waving his hands towards the lemonade stand at the end of his talk.

Jinnie quickly understood what the hand waving meant and quickly rushed forward, laughing and yelling how she was going to be the first one. About half-way Jinnie gave up saying that she had a cramp but she saw Taehyun behind her so she stopped. This was for the boys so rightfully they should be the ones to get to the stand first, Jinnie noticed that Yoonji was running even slower than usual and Jimin was only a couple of steps ahead of Yoonji. Jinnie smiled, Guess they all thought the same thing.

Jimin felt happy seeing all the boys arrive and laugh with each other. She hoped they continued this way. Yoonji adored the happiness that the boys were showing especially since they deserved this and more. Jinnie in a leaders perspective looked over the other group and a single thought passed through her head, Tomorrow by Together would be just fine.

All the girls had stopped to just look at the boys when they were thinking so when they finally came back to reality they were looking at some strange faces. They quickly played it off and rushed towards the stand. They all grabbed a lemonade with the TXT logo and members on the cup and smiled. They had about 30 minutes before they had to face the staff and whatever they had to do next.

For the next 30 minutes they all talked with each other and since there were no cameras around promised that they would hang out when they didn't have to be filmed. Once the 30 minutes had passed when all went back to the ring toss and waited for the next mission.

"Now I know you all want to do more missions but its already half-day so you guys can go on some rides with cameras to show the fans, sound good?" The staff member laughed at all the quick head nods that he was receiving.

The groups quickly grabbed a hand camera and started looking for the rides that they wanted.

Yoonji quickly looked around the people and then back at the rides. "Are any of you scared to ride roller-coasters?" She asked since she wanted to know if others were afraid like her, she would go on but she would be scared the whole time.

Huening Kai slowly raised his hand while looking down at the ground. Jinnie seeing him slightly look down quickly raised her hand so that he wouldn't feel like the only one.

"We can go to rides and if it seems like too much then some of us can sit it out right?" Beomgyu questioned while the others quickly nodded.

Most of the rides at the park weren't as bad as they thought so mostly all of them rode on them except the last one. The last one had a high drop which was where Yoonji and Huening Kai drew the line. While the others were on the ride they went back to the ring toss and they both kind of won betta fishes, the owner felt bad they had missed so many times so he gifted them the bettas.

When they all met up again they were told that they were going to do the goodbye for the episode. They all said their goodbyes and both groups wishing for more love and support for TXT.

To Be Loved looked over at Tomorrow by Together and knew that they would all do great in supporting each other and wished for the greatest of success for their younger brothers.

They all closed off the night with a single word,


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