Harry Styles One Shot Imagine

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You were going to a meet and greet. You were going to finally meet Harry! You stood in line for hours, waiting for your chance. You were only 14, too young for anything serious. It's finally your turn. You walk up to the table and Zayn is the first one sitting there. You look down the line and see Harry is the last one. Your mouth falls open. You quickly shut it and turn back to Zayn. He smirks at the look on your face and whispers something to Liam, the next one at the table. He signs your stuff and whispers something to Louis, who signs your stuff and does the same as Zayn and Liam, whispering into Niall's ear. It's finally at Harry. Niall whispered into Harry's ear, most likely the same thing the other boys said. Harry smiles at you and asks your name. "__________" You say. He writes a message onto what you wanted signed. He hands it back to you. "Um, Harry?", you say shakily. "Yes, love?", Harry says back. You leaned in and placed your elbows on the table. I just wanted to say, that you're so perfect in every way. I'm completely in love with you. I want you to know that i would never even think of sending hate to you, or hurting or scaring you." It all seemed irrelevant to say, he would forget you soon enough. But you continued on anyway. "Anyone who has ever sent a bad message to you needs to take a reality check, because there is literally nothing about you that is imperfect." Harry listens to you intently. "I want to be able to know the real you, not the you that the fans think you are. I want to know you for you, and be able to understand you. I want to talk to you, make you feel like a normal person, not a famous one. But most of all, i want to be your friend." You stood up straight again, and picked up your stuff, ready to leave. You hesitated for a second, to see if he had anything to say to you. His eyes were glazed over with tears that had brewed up. He stood up, walked around the table, and held you in a warm hug. He whispered in your ear, "________, thank you. That sounded so perfect. Can I see your CD for a second?" "Anything for you", you whispered. He took the CD and scribbled something on it. He handed it back to you.  "I won't ever forget what you just said to me.", Harry said and gave you one last hug. "Goodbye." "Goodbye." He walked around the table and sat down again. You waved and walked away. You started walking home, living only a couple blocks from the venue. You stopped in Starbucks for a warm drink. Your heart was fluttering. You set your stuff down on a table and looked at it. On the CD, it said a phone number. Yes.

Harry Styles One Shot ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now