3: The flash back and the confession

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After apparently raping mum, Tom locked me outside. I feel the rain fall onto my head as I think back to some memories of when I was a kid...when I wasn't beaten and raped. I think back to a sober uncle who gives me hugs, a aunt who gave me tender kisses on the cheeks or head and cookies against mum and dad saying I cant have sweets, a father who didn't work all the time, gave me his coat when cold and comfort me after nightmares or after a bad day at school, a mother who gives me hugs, kisses and delicious cooked meals and two little sister crawling to me when I got home after school and when I enter the same room as them, read stories to, gives me hugs when upset and comfort after nightmares.

Connor: Fuck this...

I got up and limp my way into the woods, connected to my backyard.


After a bit of walking, I arrived at a familiar mountain where me and a friend met right when it stopped raining. I got to the top and look out at the familiar small pond, beautiful rare flowers, small hills to sleep or sit on and a cute girl sitting on a stone beside a bed of flowers.

Her name is Daisy. My friend and someone I knew since I was a kid.

Daisy: Oh, h-hey Connor...

Connor: Hey Daisy.

I walked to her before sitting with her in the bed of flowers.

Connor: How was your morning so far?

Daisy: F-Fine.

I smile at her cuteness...we met here about 2 or so years ago...I would come here to cry and get myself some peace and quiet since everyone in the house was a pain in the ass.

One day...

flash back

???: H-Hello?/

I stopped sobbing and turn my head to see a girl my age in a blue sweater that went down to her knees, a large, cute bow on her head, short white hair, thin arms and legs or maybe thin to me since her sweater looked large, pink shoes with white socks and blue eyes.

???: A-Are you ok?

She seemed to be shy...

Connor: Y*sniff* Yeah, just a bad day...

I wipe my eyes as I felt something drop beside me, I turn to see the girl beside me with a cute red face.

???: U-Umm...d-do you want a hug?

I blush but then smile and nod, making us hug for a few minutes. as we hug, I notice her body was very small compared to mine...is she that skinny? Or am I just bigger?

I shook it off and kept hugging her and after a moment, we let go.

???: I-I'm D-Daisy...

Connor: I'm Connor.

We look at each other with a smile...and from there, we would meet up here or the mall or some other places we were aloud to go to and hang out. As the time went by, we got use to each other and within 2 years, we got as close as we are now.

Flash back end

Daisy: S-So, how was your day?

Connor: It was fine...yours?

Daisy: Good...

I smile before looking up at the sky...

Connor: So...how are you and mike going?

I ask, turning to her. Mike was Daisy's boyfriend, they met a month after me and Bella started going out.

Daisy: Oh...we...broke up.

I pause for a moment

Connor: Why?

Daisy: I-I couldn't lie to him or you or myself anymore...I don't love him...I dated him to try and move on from the one I trully loved since he had a girlfriend but then...Mike tried to get me into bed and that's when I decided to stop and face the truth...

I look at her...she dated him cause she wanted to move on from the one she trully loves?

Connor: Well...how did he take it?

There was a small pause from her.

Daisy: N-Not too well...

Connor: What do you--

Before I finished, I noticed a bruise on her neck.

Connor: Daisy...that bruise...

She said nothing...just lower her head while hugging her legs, making her head go in between her arms and lightly sobbed.

I look at her in shock as anger rise in me...she...was...

I suddenly realised...Daisy needs me right now...I can't get mad and go after the prick. I look at her with a smile while scooting closer, making her turn her head to me.

Connor: Want a hug?

She looked at me for a moment before nodding and open her arm. We hug for what seemed like hours but I didn't care...she needs me...so I'll let her hug me for as long as she needs.

Daisy: It was you...

I froze for a moment

Connor: What?

Daisy: It was you who I loved...but you were dating Bella...so I did my best to move on so I don't ruin everything between you two or us...and when I met mike and he asked me out, I thought it could help me move on...but it didn't work.

I didn't let go

Daisy: Now...*sniff* Now I'm sure you hate me...

I didn't let go...

Daisy: Because I said something I shouldn't have...

I'm not gonna let go...

Daisy: I--

Connor: Daisy...

She lightly jolted from my sudden voice.

Connor: Me and Bella broke up the other day...so don't worry about it.

Daisy froze...and I let go.

I look into Daisy beautiful blue eyes

Connor: I didn't tell you before because I thought it would've made you want to stay and comfort me, making you not spend much time with your boyfriend.

Daisy: Connor...

Connor: And seeing how you and I are single now...and you told me you love me...

Daisy: Connor...

Connor: If you still feel that way...would you want to--

Before I finished, she kissed me...guess that's an yes.

We kiss for what felt like hours and didn't stop until we needed air.

Daisy: Connor...I love you

Connor: Daisy...I love you too.

And with that...I get myself another girlfriend...but this one I know is a keeper...after all...we cared for each other and helped each other even when we were dating those other two...now we are together...and I'm not going to let anyone take her from me.

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