chapter 1 - the fall (dream's appearance)

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You wake up cold, scared, horrified. You just had the biggest nightmare. A weird texture of grass appeared when you woke up. Could it be that we're in another dream? You actually get up this time and see trees everywhere, grass surrounding the cold floor, the atmosphere was amazing. You've never felt this alive since elementary school.

"Who's there?" A voice popped up from the back of your head. 

You're confused, you thought it was one of your sleep paralysis demon but no, he was real.

"I won't ask again," You turn around and see a hunter with a smiley mask. "Who even are you? What are you?" You feel offended.

He was quite cute for a typical scary stranger you'd usually see on the streets. Probably 6'3.

He asked again, "Who the hell are you? I need an answer," What are you doing? Answer him! "I'm... hold on, why should I answer YOU? I should be the one asking."

He scratched the back of his head and looked away. "I can't wait all day, c'mon!" He looked a little sad. "I won't tell you my real name, but you can call me Dream." He puts out his hand for you to hold.

You take his hand and follow him, he doesn't seem THAT scary. Of course, you tripped and fell on the way. How could he be so fast?

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