The Start

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        It was a plain still night and i was laying on my bed with a horrible throbbing headache. . . I also have tics so that made it slightly worse. . .it was NOT a fun night. Them my roommate Ethan came into my room and gave me some meds and a glass of water to take it with. What a kind guy. . . 

It has been six years snice we have met we are best friends. Nothing  more. . . or so i thought. So we have been friends ever snice we were 12. we are now 18 living in a small 1 bedroom apartment. Its not THE best but I'm grateful for what i got. I'm not a spoiled little winy brat that want her daddy's money. that just makes me sick to my stomach. . .Uhg, SO Ethan is a transgender male that has a hard childhood. i have a horrible past but I am still trying to over come it and so far I'm doing a good job if i do say so myself. 

                                                                                     SO! back to the story 

So Ethan rested on his top bunk of the bunk bed and i could say just being by him gave me a creepy chill down my spine but i chose to ignore it. Then morning came so quick that it felt like a few seconds but it had been many hours. I don't really care but, all i care about is that i get on time to schoo- OH SHIT! I'm late for school again! So much for be on time for school! 

So now school is over. . .we had a lockdown drill but something told me it wasn't a drill. You might think I'm joking but I'm not, This dude I was talking to earlier went missing. . .I'm just hoping i see him tomorrow at school. but something strange that I noticed was that Ethan was watching us. Even thou we had masks on I still saw a strange look in his beautiful bright gray eyes. . .I'm not saying he is responsible for anything! 


|Words: 362 

|Writer: Linux Abeyta

|how i got inspired: A dream 

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