Creepy Secrets

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      it has been a week snice the lockdown and that boy went missing but good news is that i saw him at school two days after the lockdown but it wasn't so normal. . . he wouldn't talk to me, it was very creepy because when he looked at me he looked like he had just been traumatized. i ignored it assuming that he had some how had a grudge tords me  for some dumb reason.

It was a late Saturday night and i was tired but ethan insisted i stay up with him so i did. So we sat on the couch and watched a few horror movies witch i loved! and thats when things started to get weird. We were under a blanket cuddled close because we were watching horror movies. . .DUH even thou i love scary movies i was still scared. 

So when we were under the blanket i felt a warm hand on my right thigh. I flinched and looked at Ethan next to me. he payed no attention to me and kept at the movie,I then looked at the tv screen just thinking it was a accident. When the movie ended i stood up and stretched then helped Ethan up i said goodnight to him and went to lay down in my bed.

It was around 2 or 3 AM i think when i heard a loud BANG! Of course i got woken up,  i quickly got up and ran to the kitchen where the sound came from there to see Ethan there on the ground with all the kitchen knifes around him scattered, i asked what had happened and he said he was just getting something to snack on then the knifes just flew on the ground causing him to tumble on the floor in fear. I helped him up and picked up all the knifes and put them back in there case.


|words: 328 

|Writer: Linux Abeyta

|inspired by: A dream

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