Chap. 4 - Lloyd X Reader

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Your Pov.

In this oneshot, you are known as
y/r/n, a major bad girl and total slut in your college. You've banged just about every guy that attracted you, but none of them either pleased you to your liking, or didn't fuck you for long.

Ugh, isn't there one guy in this school that actually has a dick, let alone fuck for hours? Like, seriously, I don't even want to do a round two with any of these small-dicked asswholes.

At that moment, your boring-as-fuck teacher enters the class, signaling all of you to take your seats. Hey, you might be shutting and have a sour attitude, but you cared about your grades a lot.

"Alright class, listen up. Before we begin class, I have an important announcement to make. From here on out, we will be having a new student joining our class. Please treat him respectfully. You may come in now, dear," your teacher said, catching your attention.

At that moment, the said boy walked inside the classroom, causing my jaw to immediately drop low. He had tan skin, blonde hair and an undercut, green eyes, and was maybe 6' ft. at the most. He wore a baggy black shirt, a green zip-up jacket, black jeans, and tan Timberlands. He seemed pretty shy, but damn, he even looked buff as fuck.

Holy shit he's hot as fuck. I wonder how good in bed he is~.

"Please, introduce yourself to the class," the teacher said.

"O-Oh, uh, my name is Lloyd Garmadon, and I'm from Japan. I love how Korea looks so far and I hope I get along with a lot of you in this classroom," Lloyd said, bowing to everyone.

"Thank you, dear. You may take a seat on the left of Ms. Y/N, the one by the window," the teacher said, taking you off guard.

W-What?! W-Why me, of all people? Ugh, whatever. In fact, this'll be a good opportunity for me to get in his pants~. After all, all boys are the same.

Lloyd's Pov.

After introducing myself to the class, the teacher points out my assigned seat, right next to a girl named y/n. Taking a glance at her, I was immediately awe-strucked. She had (your skin color), (your hair length and color), (your eye color), and looked to be about (your height). She wore an oversized-green hoodie, a black knee-
lengthed shirt, and dark-brown boots. She looked beyond beautiful, let alone her outfit was adorable.

So, as the teacher told me, I took a seat right by y/n, before she got on with the lesson. At the moment, however, a small note was passed to me from the left. Looking to my left, I noticed that it was indeed y/n who passed me that note. Curious, I secretly opened it up to read....

Heya, handsome~ ;).
Name's Lloyd, huh~? You're
quite the looker. I'd like you
to meet me by the janitors
locker near hall 320, as soon
as lunch starts. I look forward
to meeting up with you~ ;).

What the---? Why does she want me to meet up with her near a janitors locker, during lunch? And is she.....
flirting with me? But she looks so innocent. Ah, whatever. Maybe she wants to be friends! Oh, I should pass her back a note.

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