yummy hunk

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you are at target when you spot a really sexy boy and you think to yourself, "damn, i need to get a taste of him" so you approach him and quickly make something up, "um, do you know where i can find the buttplugs?" he smiles at you and whips his thick black shiny hair out of his face. "right this way..." you have butterflies all the way down to your cooch, oh wait those are crabs. you panic as you start uncontrollably scratching your lady parts. he looks at you and goes, "don't worry, i've got them too." you blush and you're both standing there scratching your no no squares. he looks at you with his chiseled face and says, "here lemme help with that" then he starts scratching your labia hard and fast in the target aisle. you let out a loud moan and get embarrassed as a toddler glances at you. "let me take you out" you look at his eyes, and say "i'd love to"

it's time for your date with the hunk from target and he picks you up in his porsche and you say "i just realized, i never got your name."
"names hunter but you can call me hunt" he says, winking at you but when he does, his eyes go in different directions. at first you're scared but then it kind of turns you on. when you get in the car, hunter throws his hair up into a sexy man bun. he then turns on the radio and starts blasting "i can barely breathe. when. you. are. near" then he locks the doors and starts aggressively humping the steering wheel. "sorry i haven't jizzed in a minute" and next thing you know you're pulling up at burger king. he leans into you and you think he's going in for a kiss, but instead he whispers in your ear, "welcome to burgerking." you smile and walk into the burgerking. when you get inside, hunter steals french fries from miranda cooper and aggressively shoves them up his gums. miranda cooper throws her nubs in the air and yells, "IF YOU LIKE BIG BOOBIES, YOU ARE PRONE TO GET TIDDY WHIPPED!" then she gets onto his shoulders and rips off his man bun and the proceeds to rip the fries out of his gums with her teeth. "that's my sister." hunter says. then he stands up and yells, "THIS ONES FOR BELLA!" and "lalalala lasagna" starts playing on the juke box. hunter then quickly changes into a pennywise costume and jumps on your table. he starts tap dancing and chanting "SOPHOMORE SLEEPOVER! TOMORROW IS SOPHOMORE SLEEPOVER" and he does a heel click, his clown shoe flies off his foot and breaks your nose. "man! i'm so sorry about that! lemme offer you some porridge!" you catch a glimpse at his moldy, crusting, moist, possum feet. and he goes "i've been working on these bad boys for a while, as he sticks his foot down your throat. you take in a nice big whiff off sweaty cheese mixed with hot dog water. he then forces the porridge down your throat and you choke on the thick lumpy wet sauce. then you start losing air as chunks of porridge go flying. "lucky for you, i know CPR" hunter says as he presses your chest with his hands. then, he starts singing loudly, "you're stayin' alive, stayin' alive" then you suddenly sit up and go, "hunter, you saved my life!" and then you kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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