Chapter 1 : Little Do They Know

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It has been years since Harry Potter and his friends went to Hogwarts-School of Wizardry. But did you know? That right now they're in a different road, a road to success.

Just after a year Harry finished Tom Riddle , or we can say You-Know-Who, Voldamort. Harry Potter and his Best Friend Ron Weasly became famous. They became famous because of Quidditch (a wizard sport played while riding on a broom) .

Harry and Ron are pretty good at playing Quidditch sports. Thats the reason why they played internationally in the whole Wizarding World, creating their own Quidditch Team. But just before they became Quidditch Players Harry got married to Ginny Weasly, they then got children.

Ginny also became the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Magic. With Hermoine being the Minister. Hermoine and Ron however, also got married, they've also got children. All their children went and finished school at Hogwarts.

Meaning to say, thatbthis is now a new generation. A generation full of Adventure,Friendship, and Fantasy. But what is the Beggining of the New Adventure?

It has been years since the Golden Trios left Hogwarts, but little do they know, that there is an awaiting Adventure for the new generation of Wizards at Hogwarts. As we all know Harry Potter is the greatest Wizard of all time, but before harry graduated at Hogwarts, Harry left some fragments of his own powers at Hogwarts.

No one really knows what is the reason why Harry left some fragments of his powers at Hogwarts. Only the Headmistress knows because Harry left a letter to the new Headmistress, but it is kept as a Secret.

Speaking of the Headmistress, the School of Hogwarts got a new Headmistress her name is Aflea Netherlands. She was once a professor and she has been a replacement after the retirement of the old Headmistress Minerva Mcgonagall. Professor Aflea was the Headmistress for years and until now.
Professor Aflea is a tall and fit looking woman. With her brown curly hair greatly mixes with her beautiful brown eyes. She is sometimes mistaken as a Student because of her beauty. But no one will mess with the Headmistress with her strict but caring personality.

Hogwarts had new Professors , some of them aren't really familiar, because some Professors, are actually forced to taught after the Great Wizarding War- A war when Harry defeated Voldamort. But still we dont know what is the awaiting Adventure for the new genertion of Wizards. But the Adventure starts at this exact point when -

The Ministry of Magic lately discovered new about Squib Wizards. Squib Wizards are Wizards that lacks the ability to produce Magical Powers. They are actually classified according to where they are born. Some of them are Pure - Bloods (Both parents are Wizards), Half-Bloods (Only 1 parent is a wizard),and lastly Muggle-Born? (Squibs are sometimes called Muggle Wizards).Muggles are what the Wizards calls us normal people.

It all started when Neville Longbottom married Parvati Patil. They eventually got a son namely Neville Longbottom Jr. Neville's son is apparently a Squib, as we all know Neville Jr. cannot do magic. But one day Neville Jr. wanted to borrow his father's magic wand. Neville let Jr. borrow his wand. With Neville just thinking "What could go wrong?" But suddenly just after Neville Jr. held his wand it eventually burst sparks out of nowhere. It basically meant that Neville Jr. has the potential to use the wand, or the wand also chose Neville Jr. . After this incident Neville then made a decision to report the incident to the Ministry of Magic.

After that incident, the Ministry of Magic eventually made a decision to do a research about Squibs that can use wands.While the Ministry did the research, Neville Jr. then went to Hogwarts , with his fathers wand. But no one really expected Neville Junior to become a successful Wizard, the fact that he can only do magic thru his wand. He then graduated and became a Professor at Hogwarts. After years of research the Ministry made a decision to make a new classification of Wizards.

Polez Wizard- Polez meaning Powerless. Polez Wizard, unlike Squibs , Polez Wizards can do Magic thru a source of power, or a Magic Wand. Polez Wizards only contain a small drop of Wizard blood in them, that they are not capable in producing magic physically, without a source of power, or without a magic Wand. But still, they are still classified as Wizards.

After the release of the new Wizard Classification, Mrs. Hermoine Weasley the Minister of the Ministry of Magic then named Neville Longbottom . as the "Founder of Polez Wizards ". Together with the Polez law 2021

Polez 2021: Law of Squib Rights

Polez Wizards will recieve a free Scholarship offered by Hogwarts High School - School of Wizardry. Students will be given free tuitions for 7 consecutive school years. Together with free 5,000.00 Galleons (A wizard money, Galleons are gold, 1 galleon is 27 sickles, Sickles are sliver, 1 sickles are 29 knuts, and Knuts are bronze.) every month as a free allowance for School Projects and Student expenses.

Signed by the Minister:
Mrs. Hermoine Granger Weasley

After the Law was published few Polez Wizards were known, but mostly of them went to Hogwarts.
And it also turns out, that out of 100 Squibs 14 are Polez's. Squibs are very rare, that even Polez are even rarer.

And that is the foundation of Polez Wizards.

But Where Will the Adventure Start?

Our new Adventure will start with the Family of Browns.

The Family of Browns is Composed of Mrs. Minerva, Mr. Leonardo, Jack & Roberto, and lastly Tomas Brown.

Tomas resembles a normal boy, with sky blue eyes.With his blonde hair greatly fixed, with his pale skin. He's height is just normal, but sometimes he gets embarrassed when he sees he's cousin Fredrick who has the same age who appears to be taller than him.

Jack & Roberto on the other hand are very identical. They both have blonde hair, and blue eyes. They turn to be taller than their Mother. Mrs. Brown however has a shiny curly brown hair and a fit body. While Mr. Brown on the other hand is a tall blonde man with blue eyes, seemly great with his face full of freckles.

Mrs. Brown works as a Housewife, while Mr. Brown works as a Company Worker. Jack and Roberto are Muggle-Born Wizards, they are know getting ready for their 3rd School year at Hogwarts. Both of them are actually smart, that it seems that they are rivals.

Tomas is just a simple boy that wants to be just like his brothers, he even reads his brothers Wizard Books which actually makes him intelligent, but what's the purpose of his knowledge about wizards if he's not even a wizard?

We will soon find out on the next chapter.

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