04 | best friend

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"Yumeko," You looked at your friend.

"[Name]," The black-haired girl called you by your nickname.

"We should get going to the class," You said moving forward without looking at the girl who was busy petting some stray cats.

"Ah~" Yumeko sighed in disappointment but followed you and soon walked side by side with you.

"It was truly unfortunate I couldn't come last week," She smiled at you.

It had been a week since your high school had started and you had mingled with the people around you.

Your best friend, Yumeko, couldn't attend the first week as she was still busy unpacking her stuff as she had shifted.

You too had shifted here from Bunkyo and had begun living in Sendai in Miyagi.

However, with the power of money, your father had everything pre-arranged for you.

He also somehow managed to write a 14-page letter for you. You were sure he would write more but your mother probably stopped him from continuing.

"Last week was nothing special." You replied walking ahead without looking at her, "So don't regret it."

"Ah~" The black-haired girl beside you titled her head in amusement.

"You are comforting me." 

You paused for a while before continuing.

"It's only natural for me to comfort you."

"Oh, I thought you would refuse-" Yumeko gave you a teasing smile but it went away when you continued your previous sentence.

"-after all you are precious to me."

You looked to see her with a red tint on her face and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You're making me like you even more." She said fanning her face with her hand and they reached Seijou soon.

"I am your friend, you are supposed to like me." You deadpanned. 

"It may have just been a week since school started but you must definitely be popular." She let out a chuckle as she glanced at you who have had a straight face since the beginning.

"I am popular." You confidently replied without a hint of hesitation present in your voice.

"My my~ your ego can be seen leaving the atmosphere~" Yumeko laughed and both of you entered the same class.

"My my~ your ego can be seen leaving the atmosphere~" Yumeko laughed and both of you entered the same class

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"Whew!" Oikawa slightly panted when he reached his classroom.

Opening the door he saw that the teacher was already in the classroom and was teaching.

Putting on an embarrassed face when everyone in the classroom looked at him, he bowed at his teacher.

"Good morning sensei!"

He looked at the twitching face of his teacher and blamed it on the girls he had met.

His fangirls who kept clinging to him no matter what happened, he wasn't being ungrateful.

He would dare not, his reputation depended on them.

But the way they only saw him for his good looks and volleyball skills, hurt a little. No one knew who he was behind the mask he had put on.

And even if they liked him for superficial reasons, they had no right to demand him to stay with him when it was clear that he was late for his classes.

"So pray do tell the class why you are so late again?" The teacher crossed their arms in front of their chest and asked.

The brunette heard the slight snickering of the student and gulped slightly.

"Hehe," He laughed bashfully which was fake and rubbed the back of his neck as he put on a flattering smile.

"Don't try to butter me up Oikawa Tooru," The teacher rolled their eyes as they saw the smile on the brunette's face.

How could they not recognise that type of smile, every time there would be a test or exam the students would try to butter up to the teacher in hopes of being in the teacher's good books so that they could get good grades.

"Why do you mean by that sensei?" He continued putting an innocent look on his face even when he knew what the teacher meant.

"Stop being dramatic and sit down on your seat." The teacher said as they continued teaching whatever she was before they were interrupted by the famous brunette who came late.

"Pshh!" Oikawa whispered to the classmate who was sitting beside him.

The female blushed as she leaned in towards the male.

"What subject are we studying?"

Apparently, he wasn't quite enough because everyone in the classroom heard him, including the teacher.

"Oikawa Tooru. . . !"

Oikawa's face paled when he realised that he had truly angered his teacher.

"Ah, sensei - "


A piece of chalk came flying and hit his face as he let out a high-pitched scream which caused everyone to laugh but the teacher's face became red in anger.


— Yes, Yumeko Jabami from Kakegurui is going to be your friend

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— Yes, Yumeko Jabami from Kakegurui is going to be your friend.

— I searched where Seijoh was located and all it said was Miyagi Prefecture. So, I chose Sendai as the place you live since it is said to be one of the most expensive cities to live in Japan. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about any of the information.

— Ouran High was located in Benkyo so that's where you used to live previously. 

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