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"Evie, i told you, no!" I shout as we both run around the fountain at the front of the school building. "Just because we went somewhere else and back, doesn't mean i changed my mind!" I tell her as we both stop on other sides of the fountain

"But don't you want to look cute in your gown?" She asks

"No! I'm fine in jeans" I tell her as we start to circle each other again.

Suddenly i feel hands go around my waist and i look behind me to see Jay.

"I'm sorry, but now's not a good time, Evie-"

"-Is going to fit your dress now" She finishes as she grabs my arm from Jay holding me

"You were in on this?" I ask him and he shrugs "Traitor!!"


By the time Cotillion rolls around, i have a dress made and Evie even got me shoes.

I sigh as i look at myself in the mirror and i look at the long dress she gave me to wear, it's red.

I look at the shoes and i realise that you can't really see them from under the dress and i smile, sitting on the side of my bed and taking off the heels and getting out my trainers

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I look at the shoes and i realise that you can't really see them from under the dress and i smile, sitting on the side of my bed and taking off the heels and getting out my trainers.

That's better.

I smile as i walk out of the door and i make my way over to the ship that we have to meet on.

The Son of Jafar ||OC x Jay|| Descendants DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now