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The streets of hell where loud, filled with dying demons, screaming and begging for mercy by the exterminators.  The demons that was in the hotel was all huddled up in the lobby waiting for the  extermination to be over.  Finally after hours of hear screaming and dying demons the streets where silent.  Demons ended up littering the streets, there was only the noise of the cackling flames from the fire place dancing along a song of death.  Charlie ended up going to the top of the hotel and shot the fireworks signaling that the extermination was finally over.  She looked up at the fireworks changing colors going from red, to pink, to blue, to green, to yellow, to purple, and to orange.  She stood there until they all faded into nothingness once they did she went back into the hotel and down to the lobby.

Vaggie the moth demon and princess of hells lover was waiting for her to give some kind of signal to tell her that everything was going to be okay now.  The princess smiled sadly at the moth demon letting her know that everything was going to be okay.  The moth demon nodded and sent all the demons back to their rooms.  The demons listened and headed back to their rooms.  The spider demon Angel Dust and the winged cat Husk ended up going to the bar as some of the demons of different shape and sizes stayed in the lobby to chill.  The moth ended up seeing Charlie extremely sad as she looked outside at the streets.  The moth demon then approached her and put her hand on her shoulder and smiled at her.

"Everything will be okay you will make a difference I know you will."

The Latina smiled even bigger at the princess.

"Or you can continue to run this hotel and fill all these demons with false hope."

The radio demon said calmly trying to get the moth mad.  He ended up getting the reaction he wanted out of the moth.  Before the moth was able to say anything to the wendigo they heard a bang on the door.  Angel, Husk, Vaggie, Charlie and Alastor all looked at the door wondering who could be banging.  Charlie ended up getting excited thinking it was another demon who wanted to stay at the hotel.  Charlie got up and ran to the door and opened the doors unexpectedly getting attacked by a fallen angel who was bleeding out.  Alastor ended up pushing the angel out the door helping Charlie get back on her feet.  Once the wendigo demon got the princess back up on her feet he ended up getting impaled by the spear that the angel was carrying.

The smiling demon looked at the angel who was bleed to death and summoned the shadow tendrils crushing the angel then closing the doors.  The wendigo the took the spear out and broke it in half putting pressure on his stomach.  He hissed in pain as he sat on the floor of the lobby bleeding out from his stomach.  Charlie panicked not knowing what to do until she remembered that her dad could heal Alastor.  Charlie then summoned her father through a golden portal which was only used for dire emergencies.  Once Lucifer stepped through the portal he look at his daughter who was helping a wendigo put pressure on his wound.  Not just any wendigo she was helping an overlord put pressure on his wound.  The devils smile got bigger at the sight.

"Dad it's all my fault that he got hurt I-....He ended up saving me because I thought there was another demon who wanted to stay at the hotel.  Could you help him? Please dad?"

Charlie looked at her father with desperate eyes not wanting Alastor to die.  Lucifer then chuckled at the sight of a hurting Alastor because he found it entertaining.  Lucifer then waved off his daughter, who which nodded and left Alastors side.  Lucifer then looked at the moth wanting her to move as well, the moth shook her head until Charlie put a hand on her shoulder.  The moth then moved as he walked up to the hurting wendigo, kneeling down placing one of his hands on the other males wound.  He then started to chant something in Latin, completely different from what what Charlie had done. The girls watched as a bright golden light shot out of Lucifer's hand,  seeing that the light ran through the wounded male.  

The blonde ended up ripping a piece curtain warping it around Alastors wound.  Lucifer then stood up as Charlie and Vaggie quickly rushed over to Alastor who was sitting up on the couch holding his stomach.  Charlie smiled got up and ran over to her dad giving him a big hug.

"Thank you daddy, I don't know what would have happened to him if you weren't here." She looked up at her father smiling widely.

"He probably would have died by bleeding out all over the floor, or in this case all over the couch. Even so I would have tried my best to make my little applesauce happy."  Lucifer hugged his daughter back.

The wendigo stared at Lucifer until the apple king looked back at him.  Lucifer gave the wendigo his famous smile as he laughed.  Alastor then turned his head still holding his stomach since he could still feel the pain from the spear.  Alastor seen that Lucifer went back to talking with his daughter and so he started to stare at him once more.  The wendigo was thinking about how his blood would taste until he started to think of something else.  Alastor thought about how Lucifer would look naked, he imagined him being slightly buff, him on top of him, his scratches down the kings back, his bite marks permanently in his skin, being treated like a pet to the king.

The wendigo ended up passing out out of embarrassment blushing heavily.  Charlie ended up looking at Alastor and ran over to him with Vaggie holding his head.  Charlie felt Alastors head and he was burning up and then she looked over at her father.  Lucifer was just standing there smiling like he always does as he waked over to his daughter.  Lucifer then put his hand on his daughters head a gave her a wider smile.

"I would like to stay for awhile to keep an eye on you're patient, he seems to have passed out from the blood lost.  Also I wanna make sure that his healing is going smoothly. "  Lucifer then looked at Alastor who was passed out on the couch with his blush clearly obvious.  He then looked back at his daughter.

"Can you really stay daddy? I thought you were busy!"  Charlie was so excited when she heard that her dad could actually stay.

"Of course I will stay my child do you mind I stay a few nights as well."  Lucifer then took his hand off his daughters head nd put them behind his back.

"Of course not! would you like a room? Oh yeah of course you'll like a room I'll set on-" AS Charlie was talking lucifer put his hand up cutting her off of her sentence as he put his hand behind him once more. 

"I'll be sharing a room with our patient as I said I wanna make sure that he actually healing.  Even if I didn't want to share a room with him I would have to check his injury anyways.  Once the patient wakes up then I'll need you to set me up that room." 

Charlie nodded at her father as she watched him take Alastor to the infirmary.  Her and Vaggie then started to prepare for the upcoming events in the future.

Not including this exactly 1300 words

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