1. Roger Taylor

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"Frost Bite"

Roger's POV

It's over, the times where I could bloody swim in that pool we found and owned. To be honest it's just me and John who did but fuck it, it still pisses me off as I am wearing more clothes and more than one jacket as well as a scarf. A whopping two scarfs! You think that's not small? Let me tell you lads, it's mother fucking thick as a wood. I really wanted to write in this weather but not in this clothing, Fred's broken heater isn't helping as well. All I'm glad about is now are two things, one is no fans and travel shots because it's dangerous to travel then two, we finished the bloody music video for "We Will Rock You" without a problem.

It's a rare occasion for us to not fight in filming outside but it's a miracle that we all agreed to just get on with it, pack up and maybe get on with a few booze a few days ago. I smile in memory, narrowing my eyes outside the window I am currently sitting by. I know, not a good place to warm off. "Rog, you wanna go buy some booze to ease as Fred gets his heater fixed?" Deaky asks as Fred was seen phasing around in a narrow hallway towards the end room to his heater, calling someone to fix it. "Oh fuck, why not?!" Brian hops out of the single chair, settling the magazine to the side table. "Woah there big man! I don't recall Deaky man mentioning a man named Brian?" I was sassing him, I know, yadiyah! The man is annoying sometimes and I want him to lower down, maybe kick off ten inches of his height to be specific. I roll my eyes as he sticks out his tongue, we continue on out playful teasing by walking towards the door. Slowly dressing up more, adding to the layer we already have. Specifically Brian with his crocks as well as thin fabric clothes, John was laughing at us as I annoy the brunette while he does his shoes.

"Oh dear, do buy a full rack than bottles or cans of bevvy. Deaky knows my card! Take care, don't dilly dally in the snow!" Fred screams from the living room, climbing up to the rooms in the second floor after finishing the talk with the fixer upper bloke by the dog. (Dog is a slang for Phone/Telephone, really cute) "Well that's a bit dodgy... Roger?" Brian looks at me with the same teasing face, I nod to mirror him to the plan. "I do say. How does one get the famous Freddie Mercury's card, Mr. Deakinson?" We then turn to the youngest bloke to find him questioning us by the brows. "You two are plotting to buy something and if you lads are serious, Fred paid me to not say so." He freely polished his words while passing in between us towards Brian's car behind mine. We looked at one another then to Fred who only looked back laughing just to shrug, Brian gave up and got to his car while I squint my eyes. Drawing two fingers to let him know I won't be legging in knowing this, he shook his head as I slowly close the door.

Once arriving to the store parking, we knew things are much more packed than normal working days at winter so I got my shades as Brian did from a compartment. John looks directly at John by the driver's side, a face in full deadpan to judge our actions that made the tallest to groan and hand him another pair. "You owe me a chocolate bar, I didn't forget that Bri." John taps Brian and skips to the bevvy side of the store, much to the further back. "I know, such a kid." I laugh at the man skipping the same way to Deaky, what a great day for him to throw a wobbly. I smiled as John already got two racks in his hand, I grab both in mine as we proceed towards the snacks area. Pointing towards a product I want John to grab. "Hello? Are you still there?" I put up the can up to wave at him as he nods to the end of the aisle behind me wherein a tall brown poodle holds a brown paper bag full of bought snacks. "Ugh, if you don't have my favorite one there. I swear to Christ!" I stomp off to Brian with Deaky already getting out Fred's card. "Two two are acting like chavs and gits again, not a very pleasant sight for a bird by the counter." (Sorry for the difficult british slangs. Chavs and gits are bad and childish personalities while bird is usually a call for a girl)

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