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"I'm home." The misterious woman said.

Minju flinch when she heard her voice.

"How is my wife and baby? Hmm?" She smile at Minju.

Minju smile back and said

"We're fine."


The misterious woman kiss Minju forehead and enter their room.

Minju only sit silently on the couch. She still can't believe that the person she's married with is her.

' they must be lying. Impossible.' Minju keep on repeating those words in her mind.

That she didn't realize that her tears started falling.

"Why are you crying? What happened?" The misterious woman ask.

Minju hug her and cry on her shoulder.

"What happened?" The misterious woman ask.

"I'm sorry." Minju said.

"What? Why?" The woman ask.

"I forget about you." Minju said.

"Your brother already tell me about it
Don't worry. I'm not mad." The misterious woman said and carres Minju hair.

"I love you Hyewon."

"I love you too Minju."


Back to present

"We need a heart transplant as soon as possible." The doctor said.

Mr Kim look at his kids and all of them are also worried for their sister.

"We'll try to look for one." Mr Kim said.

The doctor nod and left.

Mr Kim sigh and sit on the couch near Minju bed.

He hold her hand and look at her.

"Please wake up."


"We can't do anything. 12 hours passed and you didn't find a don-" before the doctor could finish his words Minju suddenly groan.

They then aproach her. Even the doctors was shocked that she wake up.

She look around and realized that it was just a dream. Minju tears started to fall. She then look towards the window and sigh.


"It's just a dream."

𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚 𝙃𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨♡Where stories live. Discover now