chapter 9

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Italics= Flashback

*insert text here*= Text separator/New POV/ Time Skip

'insert text here'= Thoughts

*Akashi Seijuro POV*

"Volleyball huh, excellent choice," I said to no one in particular. "Great job, Shintarou."

I re-read the email he sent me,

Hello Akashi,

Over the past week, I have searched the Iwate prefecture. While traveling to many different high schools, none of them stood out to me in the beginning. I then went to Fukurodani High School. One evening during volleyball practice, I came to spectate.

Nothing jumped out until a male named Bokuto Koutarou started shouting. You may ask, what about. In his words, "I can't wait to see my little disciple at Nationals." I did not know what he meant until another male named Akaashi Kenji said, "Bokuto-san, Hinata is not your disciple." That perked my interest. My suspicion only solidified when Bokuto started to breakdown, screaming about Hinata being his tangerine child as well as calling him by his first name.

I couldn't figure out where he goes to school. But he plays volleyball. Now, we look for them through volleyball teams. We will find them soon.

- Midorima Shintarou


Immediately, I went to work researching volleyball teams. While taking cities and prefectures off the list.

* 2 Hours Later*

Sighing, I took my eyes off the computer screen. The only difference between tonight and other nights is that that sigh is full of content. I am remarkably closer to finding them. I'll have Shouyou back in my arms in no time. After all, no one can vanish from me. I am absolute.

Getting ready for bed, I started planning out the new training regimen as well as their punishment. 'The day I find them will be a glorious day. I'll get my boyfriend back. But, the day after will be not so excellent for the two.'

*3rd Person POV*

Akashi proceeded to lay down, sinking into his bed, a smirk plastered onto his face. His thoughts' spanning from cuddly dates to not so innocent dates with his Sunshine.


Over the next few months, Akashi searched relentlessly for his boyfriend and the phantom. Along with that search, he found out about the Inter-High Nationals for volleyball. In his eyes, that would be the most realistic option to find him. If the two are not, he would get a lot of schools crossed off of his checklist.

He chose Kise Ryouta to go to this event. Aomine Daiki would most likely be sleeping and not paying attention. Murasakibara Atushi would eat and scare everyone. Midorima Shintarou would not understand what was going on. He already found valuable information out too. Akashi would most likely scare people and have his patience tested. Kise Ryouta played volleyball at one point, as well as being very approachable. He was best for this job.

*The Day of Nationals*

*Akashi POV*

Opening up my inbox, I started writing an email to Ryouta informing him of where he is going.


Today in Tokyo, there is a Volleyball tournament called the Inther-High Nationals. I want you to go and look for Shouyou and Tetsuya. The rest of us will be watching from the television to get different perspectives. Keep an eye out. As always, if you see anything, text or call me, with no hesitation.

Good luck,

Akashi Seijuro


I sent off the email and started preparing for the day. The rest of the other Miracles are going to arrive soon to watch the tournament. 'Ryouta should be texting in a few hours. We simply have to wait until then.'

*Time Skip to the Texts*

- start of chat -

Kise: The Karasuno team looks suspicious-ssu.

Murasakibara: Do you think they're there Kisechin

Kise: ヽ(ヅ)ノ

Aomine: Use ltrs dumass (use letters dumbass)

Kise: Learn how to spell first AHOmine.

Aomine: m nt an AHO (I'm not an AHO)

Murasakibara: You are too noisy

Midorima: Just pay attention to the Karasuno team nandayo.

Akashi: I agree with Midorima on this one. Daiki Ryouta, you both could learn some texting etiquette.

Kise: Sorry, Akashi.

Aomine: Sry Akashi

- end of chat -

I rubbed my temples in frustration. Those two can't seem to go one day without fighting.

"As Ryouta said, examine the Karasuno team." I reminded the three other males around me.

"Mkay Akashi," Daiki replied while yawning.

"Got it, Akachin," Atsushi said, taking a small break from his snacks.

While Shinatrou just nodded in response. Coincidentally Karasuno was playing their first match. I saw a small orange head that reminded me of Hinata. Hope started to dwell in my heart. Then. He jumped. It was him. The announcer even confirmed it.

I looked around to see everyone shell-shocked. But, at the same time, they all had glimmers in their eyes. All of them had happiness behind them. I mean, we found them. Months of searching paid off.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. I didn't even need to look at the caller id. I picked up the phone and heard Kise shouting, "DID YOU SEE IT TOO!!!"

"Indeed, I did, Ryouta. Indeed I did."


Me: this chapter is finished.

Aka: About time.

Sho: any new updates from the readers on Kuromu?

Me: no, and if they don't put something soon I'm going to make her myself. Which is less fun in y opinion.

Mido: your lucky color is yellow Platuim.

Me: thanks Midorima.

Mido: of course.

Tet: so if the readers don't put anything before the deadline you have to do it?

Me: yep

Sho: that's harsh

Me: it is and I thought this could be a fun thing to do. you know interact with the book characters.

Aka: maybe a Q and A section?

Me: I might do that akashi

Dai: Plat does not and I mean DOES NOT own anything but any changes that might have been made in the story line or anything that she hasn't done. any art or videos aren't hers. we hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Me: thanks Daiki

Dai: no prob Plat!

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