Taylor bean

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Note: this character dose not belong to be the owner of this oc is tillkieye88 please check her out she has amazing art and wonderful story's that will make ur day nwn

-loves cuddles
-loves to be tickled and carried around but will never tell u
-enjoys being talked to like a baby sometimes
-when she gets flirty it sometimes doesn't make sense but she dose like u
-gets flustered easily, wagging of tail, face turning a bright red, hideing of face, not asking to stop
-when sick will want pretty much cuddles and ice packs
-likes it when u randomly touch her, tugs of the tail, shoulder rubs, nuzzling to her neck or cheek
-likes her tail being pulled sexily but will get nervous about it
-when scared or nervous she will like to be held and her feet given small rubs to

-will hiss at u if touched too much
-dosent like being talked down to
-easily nervous and will have many panic attacks
-hates fancy clothing
-will attack if cheetos r taken away
-gets offended easily
-short temper
-fur will start to shed if not calmed down in a certain period of time
-not a morning person (who's a morning person defiantly not me that's for sure)
-dosemt like talking about her ex
-rambles a lot
-gets cold and hot very easily and dosemt have control over it

Taylor gets nervous around new people, unsure of what they will say or do. She isn't the best with lovers due to her anxiety and is afraid of being hurt or worse. She will start to joke with u to show her trust in u. The way she shows her trust in many ways to make up of her family and friends. When she loves u she will protect, love, and joke with u until the day u leave. She loves to hang out with other people but will make sure that u have company too. When she gets frisky in bed she likes it hard and will make sure that u have at least one visable mark from her. She likes hugging u from behind and will whisper weird or sweet nothings into ur ears. Taylor is a honest person and will sometimes let her toughts out without thinking, she is very emotional and loves to hear how u feel

Narrator: I got dat dirt on u Taylor *evil laugher* I is evils uwu

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