chapter 24

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raph went to the avengers tower and thor said'' THOR IS BOO HERE I NEED TO TALK TO HER'' thor said'' yes she is here'' raph said'' there is something i wanna confess to her in private'' thor said'' she is in her room follow me'' and raph did and thor said'' good luck buddy'' raph took a deep breath and knocks the door and boo said''WHAT DO YOU WANT'' raph said'' can i come in i wanna talk to you alone'' boo said'' fine come on in raph'' raph enter the room and boo sighed as raph went closer said'' the reason i wanna to talk to you sorry i never meant to hurt you but i can change i swear,please take me look... i love you so please take me back'' boo turn around and notice raph is crying shocked said'' oh raph did you break up with mona'' raph said'' yes i did i was a idiot she was a bitch but i told her she was wrong she doesn't know a thing about you but i do so ya'' boo hug him said'' i forgive you'' raph is shocked and hug back said'' i really am'' boo said'' you maybe stupid sometimes raph but you do are soft when it comes to tough love'' raph said'' ya'' and boo took his tears away and said'' promise me you won't ever lying to me and never ever cheated from me'' raph said'' i promise'' boo smile said'' come here raph'' raph smile and kiss her in passion and boo did the same but on his lap and we moaned and thor smile said'' i know they will'' and boo&raph have sex for the second time and raph said'' im glad we are together babe'' boo said'' me too you know i was right for mona lisa'' raph said'' ya'' boo said'' the sex is always amazing'' raph said'' ya it is'' and so then raph never feel so happy in his life and so then boo said'' so can i move in with you guys'' raph said'' ya'' and boo said'' awesome' and so then raph said'' ill help you this time babe'' boo giggled and so then we did and come back with stuff and leo,donnie,mikey,splinter,april,casey are shocked and boo said''IM MOVING IN WITH YOU GUYS'' mikey said''YAY[hug her] WE MISS YOU'' leo said'' welcome back and i guess raph realizes what he did ha'' boo said'' thanks leo but ya i miss you guys too'' and so then turtles made her room when she is own planet as asgard and boo said'' oh guys i love it'' and raph smile said'' ya you are my girlfriend i wanna make you happy'' boo said'' you already did'' raph smile said'' awesome'' boo smile and so then later raph was working out and boo notice and raph said'' hey babe'' boo said'' yes ''raph said'' are you strong'' boo said'' very and you know the answer for saving you guys shells a lot'' raph said'' oh right'' boo said'' i thought so'' raph said'' babe,do you ever think about marriage'' boo said'' well let see ya my parents been for years and i seen my brother with jane so um maybe a yes'' raph said'' oh'' boo said'' ya'' raph said'' do you love it here on earth and being with me'' boo said'' yes i do but in asgard its always war all the time'' raph said'' oh fair enough'' boo said'' my dad doesn't understand why i love earth much as me and brother before i met you none of the guys aren't my type so that why i choose you because you are fun,caring,you might be a jerk sometimes so that my reason'' raph said'' wow''boo said'' yep i can wear anything when it comes to fashionable stuff '' raph smile said'' cool'' boo said'' ya yep'' raph smile and boo said'' want me to try it'' raph said'' alright'' boo said'' ok then step aside''raph step aside and boo lift it and raph said'' wow that hot'' boo smile

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