Electric Love~

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"I swear to god, Deku! You love Dunce Face, then ask him out! Stop fucking complaining! Grow some goddamn balls and ask him out like it's not that fucken hard, dumbass! I thought Denki was a hopeless romantic but no! You just had to fucken prove me wrong, shitty nerd!" Katsuki shouted out as he glared at his best friend, irritated by his shenanigans. Izuku just sighed in response as he was contemplating it. Izuku has had a crush on Denki since the first time they met. 

They met on the rooftop when Izuku was just there to take a deep breath of fresh air to relax himself. He was leaning against the railing, smiling softly, staring at the city below, more like the school grounds. Classes hadn't started but they allowed the student to already move into the dorms and get settled in. As he looked down, he saw a blond looking up and Izuku smiled, waving before swinging his feet over the railing, sitting down a bit further so he could dangle his feet over the edge. As he looked back down, the blond from before was gone. Izuku didn't know why but he felt a sting in his heart as he could no longer find the blond. Before giving up on looking for him, the roof doors slammed open and someone came in, screaming. 

"Don't do it!" This started Izuku as he fell forward, falling down the roof of the building. 'This is it? This is where I die? I just got into U.A! I'm sorry, mom..I'm sorry All Might..I'm sorry....Kacchan.. Someone! Anyone! Please..Save me...' Izuku thought as he closed his eyes, scared to hit the floor before he felt someone grab his wrist, a shock flowed through his veins at the touch. He looked up, tears in his eyes as green emerald orbs met bright yellow eyes. His eyes were...electrifying. Izuku just couldn't look away no matter how hard he tried. "A-Are you okay?!" The blond asked, pulling Izuku out of his trance. The blond began to pull him up as he panicked over the greenette he had never even met before. "I didn't mean to startle you! I just didn't want you to jump!" The blond exclaimed. Izuku now figuring out what his reason was, doubled over in laughter as the blond stared at him in complete and utter shock. "W-What's so funny?" Kaminari asked Izuku as he still didn't understand the situation. Izuku was finally able to compose himself, a few small giggles escaping his mouth as he stood up, wiping a tear from his eyes. 

"I wasn't going to jump.." Izuku stated softly, a small smile on his face because a stranger cared about him for no reason. Poor Denki was still confused as it showed on his face. Izuku smiled once more at the confused blond before explaining. "I usually come up here and sit on the edge to clear my mind." Izuku stated, trying to keep it brief to not annoy the blond which was quite difficult to say the least. The blond seemed to realize as his eyes widened and a blushed crept onto his face. He bowed down and an endless cycle of sorry's left his lips. Izuku giggled before he helped straighten him up. When Izuku saw him, he smiled, a small ghost of a blush there. 

"You're cute when you're flustered." Izuku said with a smile, not realizing what he had said until the words actually left his mouth. Denki's blush only grew now covering his whole face while Izuku began to blush like crazy too. An awkward silence filled the air before Izuku tried to get out of the situation. "Imma go to my dorm..." Izuku stated and Denki nodded. Izuku left and Denki stayed. Time passed and they spent more time together. They never knew when it happened but it just did and soon enough, the roof was their special place where they went to escape reality together. 

Izuku was brought out of his thoughts when a certain angry blond smacked him in his nape. 

"Ow, Kacchan!" Izuku pouted out as his best friend only smirked at him. 

"Yeah! Not manly, bro!"Eijiro said defending Izuku a tad bit to which Izuku smiled at Eijiro's attempt to calm down the blond. 

"Whatever..The shitty nerd was in lalaland. Someone had to bring him back." Katsuki stated as to justify his actions against Izuku. Izuku rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Katsuki, crossing his arms and pouting. "You roll your eyes at me again and I'll smack them to the back of your head. Same with that tongue. I'll cut it off if that's what you want." To say Izuku was frightened was an understatement. He stared at the blond in shock and fear as he slowly brought his tongue back into his mouth. "That's what I though, nerd." Katsuki said, smirking triumphantly. 

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