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Chapter 1 | Moved


  " Tay! Are you done packing" i heard my mom ask from down the stairs

  I looked around my room once more it was exactly the same as my old one but it didn't feel the same " yes mam' " i yelled walking towards the door

Right as i was about to walk out of the room i heard something whisper Mine.. I looked around the room not seeing anything so I shrugged it off thinking it was just me not being use to the house. I walked down the stairs with a not excited look on my face but on the other hand my mom was grinning ear to ear. I didnt see why she was so happy we were living in Louisiana for gods sake.

  My mom sighed making me stand straight as she dusted my clothes off " were going to meet the neighbors and i need you to look nice and be nice" she said

I take smiled nodding " okay come on" she said walking to the door checking her self in her camera once again as we walked to the neighbors door

Once we were there she turned to me " how do i look" she asked as I shrugged he smiled kissing my forhead making my face scrunch up

My mom smiled " you always have to try something new" she said knocking on the door waiting for them to answer it

A few minutes later some lady came and opened the door " why hello mam'  how may i help you?" She asked

My mom smiled " we just moved in next door and we wanted to be friendly" she said

The lady smiled " oh well come in" she said opening the door for us, her house was neat and admirable

I looked around " i love your house" i said in a attempt to he nice to get my mom to leave me alone

The lady smiled " oh thank you sweetie you can look around if you'd like to" she said

I smiled starting to look around most of the things i knew not to touch cause if I broke it my mom would kill me. Litteraly. I saw basketball trophys and a few pictures some of a girl and more of two little boys. The first picture that stuck out to me was one of a little boy in the hospital. He looked like he bad been crying and he had a neck brace on and there were a long line of pictures like that. But i didn't get the chance to look at them before i noticed a obituary that said:

Celebrating the life of kentrell gaulden

1999 - 2018

  My mind filled with questions, i wonder how he died " hello" i heard someone say behind me

I quickly turned around seeing a guy with green and blonde dreads standing there " umm hey" i said quickly putting what i was holding down

The boy smiled looking over to where my mom was talking to who im guessing was his mom "that's your mom?" He asked

I nodded " yeah why?" I asked looking up at him

The boy grinned " ooh she sexy as fuck" he mumbled making me shove his shoulder as he laughed " im just playing, whats your name" he asked

I rolled my eyes trying not to laugh " my names taymor but you can call me tay.. And yours?" i asked

The boy nodded " my names ken, just ken.. You just moved next door right" he asked leaning beside me picking up the obituary

I nodded " yeah, is that your brother or something" i asked hoping I wansnt stepping to far

The boys exspression soon turned to sadness " my big brother actually.. He had just moved into the house your living in" he said sadly

" may i ask how he died?" I asked as he stared down at me giving me a weird feeling

Ken stood up straight and put the obituary back " natural causes" he said and i was going to ask him what kind but i left it alone

" Tay come on! Were leaving" I heard my mom say

" okay ma im coming" I yelled back turning to ken but he was already looking at me " uh i guess I'll see you later" i said walking to my mom

My mom put her arm around me smiling " we need to Finnish putting the stuff away so lets get started' she said as we waved goodbye before wlaking home


" and done" I said falling onto my bed as I finnished putting my clothes away everything was done and now i was tired 

"Mine.." I heard one again and this time i knew it was a voice. I jumped up looking around seeing my curtins move but my window wasnt open

" is someone there" i questioned looking around the room I didn't see or here anything but I felt something kiss my ear as I froze

" your mine" i heard who ever it was whisper but before i could get any words out they were gone.

I didnt move for a second because I was frozen but as soon as i could I took off running down the stairs.


I hope you enjoyed my phantoms!


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