Chapter 1: The Lady in Red

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Like the sweet apple which reddens upon the topmost bough,
Atop on the topmost twig, — which the pluckers forgot, somehow, —
Forget it not, nay; but got it not, for none could get it till now.

- Saphho of Lesbos


Eloise's attempts to spend the party undetected really had been working quite well. She had socialized only enough to ensure she had been seen, and since those few dull conversations had been flitting between corners and back walls to ensure any man who wished to dance would have to look past at least three eager young women before they saw her. Eloise had the routine down pat. It was the first party of the season, but with two summers of miserable parties and boorish dances behind her, she had mastered the art of disappearing. Only...what? Another decade before Mama would leave her to her spinsterhood in peace? As far as Eloise was concerned, if she had made it to twenty unmarried and unengaged, she could make it to thirty. She smiled at the prospect.

Unfortunately for Eloise, a gentleman whose face she knew but whose name escaped her had managed to glance over at her corner at that exact moment, and, believing her delighted smile was for him, began to make his way over.


There were enough people between them that she managed to slip away before he reached her, and she used the opportunity to step out into the cool air of late spring. Satisfied that the man had not followed her, she found her way into the garden before taking out the cigarette she had smuggled in using a pocket she had haphazardly sewn on the inside of her dress. Considering how dark it was outside, she figured as long as she stayed another half of an hour before leaving, Mama would not accuse her of leaving before any fun could be had. Before she could further ruminate on getting home she heard someone clear their throat behind her. She barely suppressed a groan before turning around to find the same young man she had accidentally smiled at inside. She closed her hand around the rolled tobacco in her hand and smiled unconvincingly.

"Miss Bridgerton, I am quite glad I have found you, I had not realized you stepped outside. I must have looked like a fool searching for you as I did before seeing you through the window."

"I'm sure you did." Eloise said coolly, attempting the fine line between disinterest and disgust.

The young man had the decency to look at least a little embarrassed, Eloise thought, though she would have preferred if he had gone back inside immediately.

He cleared his throat again, apparently only now realizing he did not possess the confidence he thought he did when approaching Eloise.

"Well, Miss Bridgerton, since I have made quite a fool of myself looking for you, might you give me a dance so that I do not leave completely at a loss."

Eloise could feel her polite smile turn into something rather rude, but she truly could not help herself.

"Please forgive me." she said slowly. "I am so terrible with names but you clearly seem to know mine, I am at a disadvantage, Mister..."

Before the young man could open his mouth, a voice behind him interrupted his thought.

"Mr. Barclay?" a woman's voice called out. Eloise looked passed the young man-- Mr. Barclay, she presumed-- to see a woman walking towards them she did not recognize. Odd.

Barclay turned around to find the source of the voice. "Yes?" Eloise could tell from the tone of his voice that he did not recognize the woman either.

"I have been told that there is a rather pretty girl with a rather hawkish mother who is hoping to dance with you before she leaves."

The young man raised his eyebrows, clearly surprised. "Do you know whom the young woman was?"

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