Stay (Mai x F!reader)

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Ba Sing Se has been flourishing since the end of the war and you couldn't have been more grateful but today you questioned why you still lived there. Most of the time living there was great, you had a stable job, you had many friends and you were still able to have your alone time at the end of the day. Today was a bit different, first, you woke up late which made you late for work.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" You hissed as you jumped out of bed. You couldn't believe that you had slept in. You quickly threw on your uniform and combed through your hair with your fingers before grabbing a pau bun for the road. You rushed out the door almost hitting someone with the door.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" Some guy waving a boomerang yelled.

"Sorry!" You called out behind you, not sparing a second glance.

"People these days... no respect!" He muttered to himself as he continued on.

You had made it to your job after nearly hitting only a few people. Your boss stood in front of you staring disapprovingly as you racked your brain for any excuse you could use

"Y/n...." You interrupted him.

"Look, I know I'm late but this is one time. I am normally always on time, can you cut me some slack" You pleaded and he let out a sigh.

"You are one of my greatest workers but you know I have a zero tolerance policy, you will work overtime" Your eyes widened as you opened and closed your mouth trying to come up with what you were going to say.

"I understand" You opted to go with a simple reply instead of saying what was truly on your mind.

That wasn't the only thing that happened because while you were working you also had to deal with rude customers and a few creeps which drained your energy. After your shift was done you thought that you were able to have some time to relax but turns out your mother arranged a date for you.

You opened the door to your house and dropped your stuff to the ground with a sigh of relief. You turn the corner to head to the kitchen where you see a figure sitting down. You flinch and earth bended a rock, ready to attack.

"Relax, it's just me Y/n" a cheery voice broke the silence, one that you recognized.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" You asked. You knew that she only visited when she needed something.

"I can't visit my daughter?" She put her hand over her heart with mock offense. You just rolled your eyes.

"You and I both know that you only come when you want something so spill" You sat down across from her giving a skeptical look.

"Well, I arranged you a date-"

"What? Why? I told you that I wanted you to stop. I don't need you to choose who I date" You spat out. She put a hand over yours.

"Honey, You have been single for how long now? I know you get lonely and I just want to help you" She tried to reassure you but you weren't having it.

"I'm not going" You huffed before storming out of the room. Your mom called after you but you ignored her. After a few more minutes you heard your door open and close.

Which leads to where you are now, slumped against your bedroom door hugging your knees. You sat there mulling over your feelings and thoughts. You didn't want to deal with her or her matchmaking. All the guys she had matched you with were always either self absorbed or too forward. You weren't even sure if you liked guys, you could never see yourself in the future happy with a man and when you imagined your future you could only see one face, Mai's. It felt wrong, she was your friend and she was in love with Zuko. You saw the way they looked at each other and you heard the childhood stories like the water fountain, yet you couldn't stop your heart racing when she was around or how your cheeks would heat up when you caught the smallest smile from her. Why were you feeling this? Why couldn't you fall for a man like your mom wants, maybe you haven't found the right one. You didn't realize you were crying until you felt the tears slide down your face. You were so absorbed in your thoughts that you didn't hear the door open.

"Y/n!" A female monotone voice called out. You froze, you couldn't let her see you like this.

"Hold on!" You shouted a reply as you quickly wiped your tears and changed. Once you thought you looked somewhat presentable. When you opened your bedroom door Mai was standing outside. She seemed to be analyzing your face and you knew that she would know that you were crying.

"You were crying" She stated before bringing her hand up to wipe your eyes. You lean into her touch. She paused seemingly taken off guard. She seemed to be thinking her next words carefully.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked softly which caught you off guard. It was strange hearing her speak so gently.

"I guess" You mumbled before walking over to your bed to sit down, she followed suit. You began to explain everything from your job to your mom. She listened carefully, taking in everything you were saying.

"Your mom really wants you to date someone" She finally said after you were finished ranting.

"Yeah, she does but I can only see myself with one person but they are in love with someone else.." Your eyes widened as you realized you had said too much. Mai tilted her head as her eyes peered into yours, searching for something.

"Oh really? Who is it?" She questioned which caused you to blush a bright red.

"It's umm" You struggled to come up with a fake name and Mai could tell.

"You don't have to tell me"

"It's you" You both spoke at the same time. You both sat in silence trying to process what you said. You could see the shock written on her face which was rare.

"I'm sorry, I should have never said anything." You got up to leave the room but a hand stopped you.

"Stay" Mai says before yanking you back down next to her. She puts her hand on your cheek and seems to be having some internal debate before finally she closed the gap between you. Her lips on yours and you couldn't think straight and you melted into her. She pulled away with the smallest smile on her face.

"I'm not very good with words or emotions so I hope that conveyed my message" You couldn't stop the stupid grin on your face.

"I got it loud and clear" You pull her in for another kiss. You forgot about all your worries and problems and just focused on you and Mai.   

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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