The title is a ddlc reference so don't listen to the song unless you played or are fine with spoilers. Sometimes i link the song or theme/vibe of the chapter to the song i choose thats why i said don't listen to the song. Now to what you are hear for if you are still here.
The first suspects where togami, yasihiro, and toko. All three didn't sit right with me no matter how i pieced it together. So i told everyone i think it was a suicide. Monokuma gave a small gasp in response while the room filled with silence.
Aoi started to protest and say she killed sakura. But that wouldn't work either with the way its done. If she had killed sakura like she claims she would have had to lock herself in the staff room. wich she did not so therefore she is innocent.
In the end we all agreed that sakura killed herself. Case adjourned , or so i thought. Monokuma found out about alter ego. and now wants to kill him. That sadistic fluff.
First he gets killed by mondo and now hes getting killed for a crime he didn't even commit. Poor bby he just wanted to be accepted.
ultimate prodigy junko x fem reader
Randomwhat if junko didn't die and faked her death but found something better than despair.