Getting Back To His Place

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         -Isabella's Point of View-

Michael holds the door open for me,as I step outside into the bitter winter cold.I immediately hold my arms tightly with my hands,as my teeth are already starting to chatter.I glance over at Michael,& he's just standing there with a very small smirk,only seeable by one with the greatest eyesight.He's standing there with nothing but ripped skinny jeans,& a T-shirt on,as the wind blows the snow up to our levels of height.It brushes against my face softly,& I try to hide my face in my coat.I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder,& his face lowers to the side of mine."You want me to carry you,or do you just want to walk to my car?",he whispers.I hear his soft voice break through his perfect lips,his breath is hot,warming up the side of my neck to my jawline.I hesitate to answer due to his voice melting the inner core of my body.

Without hesitation,he slides his left arm behind my back,& his other behind my knees,literally sweeping me up into his strong grasp.I giggle under my breath,as he smiles at me,& walks us to his car.I lay my hands on his chest,trying to curl up in his grasp.I feel his steady heartbeat beneath the palm of my right hand,I smile,as I just lay my head against his chest,& wait to arrive at his car.He sets me down suddenly,& I see we're at his car.A lightly snow covered 2015 black dodge dart.He opens the door for me once again,& I smile,stepping into the practically brand new car.He walks around the car,& gets in also.He starts the car,& turns on the heat for me.I lay my head against the window,& close my eyes,slowly falling asleep.

            -Michael's Point of View-

I'm currently driving down city streets,waiting to get back to my place.I glance over at Isabella,& smirk.She looks absolutely beautiful when she sleeps,he eyes are still just as perfect as ever,just like her long hair.I could only imagine what she would do,if I offered her a place in my bed.To be honest,I want to know,badly.I wonder if I should ask her tonight.Thoughts start rushing through my head,dirty ones.I can only imagine me being inside of her,her moaning out my name,with every thrust of mine.He pulling on my long hair,oh god,if she'd do that,I'd be forced to fuck her even harder.Okay,I better stop having these imaginations,because I'm feeling certain things going on below my waistline,I don't need her waking up to a Gothic hard on.

I smile a bit,trying to let go of the imaginations going through my head currently.I see out of the corner of my eye,she jerks awake,breathing heavily.I see my house a bit upwards of the street,"Hey we're almost there,are you okay?",she nods hesitantly."Just a bad dream.",she says catching her breath a bit.I nod a bit,& continue driving.We pull into my driveway,"Stay.",I say to her in a calm tone.She doesn't move,as I get out of the car,& walk over to her side.I open the door for her,& before she can even think of moving,I pick her up.My right arm beneath her knees,& my other behind her back,supporting her slightly forwards.I shut the car door,by placing my foot against the door,& pushing gently.She curls up in my arms,& holds her head close to my chest.

          -Isabella's Point of View-

Michael once again is carrying me,he somehow manages to open the door to his house while holding me.He walks me upstairs surprisingly.We get into a room bigger then a master bedroom,& I have the thought in the back of mine,that he wants me.Being honest,I want him just as badly.He sets me on the king sized bed,obviously made for two."I'll take your jacket,Bella...if I can call you that.",I smile."Yeah you can call me that Mike.",he smiles with me,as I slowly take off my jacket.He stares as I do so,& I notice a very small lip bite.He holds out his hand for me to hand him my jacket,& I do.I ask where his bathroom is,& he points near the far right corner of the room. I nod,& say thank you,before walking to the bathroom,& locking the door behind me.I stare into the mirror,& fix my slightly messed up brown hair.Still soft to the touch from my afternoon shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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