Chapter 2 The Reunion

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I was sitting in class waiting for Aizawa to enter the class. While I was waiting me, Kacchan, Kirishima, and Denki heard about the new kid that was coming in today, and were talking about who they might be.

Denki: I hope the new kids a hot new girl. I desperately need a girlfriend.

Alex: And I desperately need a new stand but do you see me complaining?

Kirishima: Alex calm down what has you in a mood today?

Kacchan: I don't care why he's in a mood or the new kid is as long as he gets out of his mood, an the new kid knows their place I couldn't give a fuck.

Alex: Oh hey the Pomeranian isn't barking at us that's a first.


Alex: There she is!

Denki: Seriously though Alex what is pissing you off.

Should I tell them? I know who the new kid is but I only know because her mom called mine and told her. I'm pissed because Jotara didn't even bother to come see me and tell me herself.

Alex: No reason it's nothing...

Kacchan: Bullshit it's nothing. I'm not stupid Alex, I know when you're lying and when your upset tell them so they can shut up.

Alex: Whatever insecurity officer. I know who the new kid is...

Denki: What bro who is it?!

Kirishima: Yeah who is it tell us?!

Alex: .......It's my childhood friend Jotara Kujo. I'm pissed because the way I found out was her mom telling mine, and not her coming to see me and tell me herself.

Denki: Maybe she wanted to surprise you?

Kirishima: Or maybe she forgot where you live?

Kacchan looked super pissed like more than normal it looked like she was about to explode.

Kacchan: Isn't that the bitch who confessed to you the day she moved away?

She said getting more pissed off by the second.

Alex: Watch it.

Denki: What?!

Kirishima: Oh yeah I remember you telling us this story. Well I guess she just decided to face you when the time came. I mean I'd be too embarrassed to to face the person I confessed to the day I moved away.

Alex: I would too but the least she could've done was message me and say "hey I'm back missed you.... I'll see you at school tomorrow" but no nothing. I'm sorry it just really set me off.

Denki: When did you tell this story?

Alex: On Monday.

Denki: What?!

Kirishima: You were to busy staring at Uraraka.

Alex: And Jiro.

Aizawa walked into the class and started talking.

Aizawa: Alright as I'm sure you heard about the new kid well she's here come in.

Aizawa: Alright as I'm sure you heard about the new kid well she's here come in

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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