Chapter 1: Losing Control

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!!TW: mild suicidal thoughts, self-harm, self-blame, self-destruction, mentions of past child abuse

"What do you want Liam?" Theo groaned as he picked up his phone.

It was 6 AM; he just got back from capturing a group of hunters with Argent an hour ago. He managed to get twenty minutes of sleep for the past 48 hours before his phone interrupted his attempt at relaxation.

"Can I stay over tomorrow night?" Liam asked quickly over the phone.

"Liam, what the hell! It's 6 AM, and you want to have a sleepover in two nights? I just got my first actual bed in six months; I'm not giving it up. I'm also certainly not letting you sleep in my apartment. "

"Please," Liam sounded desperate on the other end.

Theo stared at the phone something was up with the beta. First off, Liam and he might have formed some weird friendship, but it wasn't like they were always with each other. After the hospital, Argent gave him an apartment in exchange for his help with hunting down hunters, supernatural threats, and his arms business. He paid Theo, and it allowed him to keep eyes on him at all times. The chimera helped Liam and the rest of his friends protecting Beacon Hills when needed, but it wasn't like they hung out like typical teenagers. Second, Liam never asked directly for help. He would always beat around the bush, ask in some roundabout away. Theo always agreed for some odd reason, but it slightly annoyed him that Liam would never just say he needed him. This was desperation.

"Did you get kicked out of your house?"

"No! It's just-"

"You miss me?"

"Hardly," Liam muttered on the phone.

Theo finally realized what was going on, "it's the full moon on Friday. You need my help staying in control."

"Yes, I mean no, I don't need your help. It's just if I rip someone's throat out, I'd rather it be you than anyone else."

Theo chuckled, "you are an awful liar."

"I'm not lying! I don't need you, and I will never need you."

"Ouch," Theo thought to himself. He would never admit it out loud, but he cared a little bit about Liam, no he didn't care about him. He owed him of course, nothing else, the boy brought him back from hell. He didn't care about him; it was repayment. No, he wasn't entranced by his blue eyes. He didn't admire his fighting ability, his drive, his willingness to do anything, his skills, Theo could do it better anyway.
"Then, why not just lock yourself in your room?"

"Because-fine, the moon's already affecting me, and there are 36 hours before even sundown. I don't get it the anuk-ite is gone. We have barely fought in a week. I have a pack, my family is safe, lacrosse is fine, school is okay, but I just can't stay in control still."

"You can come, but you are sleeping on the couch. You aren't getting my bed."

"Thank you," Liam muttered quietly.

"I'll pick you up after school tomorrow, so you don't get behind a wheel."

"Okay, we finish practice on Friday's-"

"At 4:30, I know don't claw anyone's eyes out today," Theo answered.

"I won't!" Liam hung up the phone.

Theo shook his head before rolling back over. Liam was going to get someone hurt or worse himself if he didn't figure this out. He was right he shouldn't still be struggling to stay in control, but also the beta was not taking care of himself. He called Theo at least four nights a week to patrol the preserve with him; he was beginning to look worn out. He figured Liam barely slept, barely took a break, he was trying to be the alpha, while going to school, taking care of his friends, and still keeping up his normal performance. It wasn't going to last. He was going to break eventually.

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