prologe part 1

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                               marissa's pov

  as i woke up to my alarm going off i graond (sorry cant speel) (spell) but i got up when my feet touched my hard wood floor i gaspped in suprised about it being cold but i knew it's cold i put my feet back on the ground and walked to my closet and then got myslef in a black hoodie with blue and light gray sweatpants and some gold condbat boots i then got a box at the bottom of the closet my mask

  as i woke up to my alarm going off i graond (sorry cant speel) (spell) but i got up when my feet touched my hard wood floor i gaspped in suprised about it being cold but i knew it's cold i put my feet back on the ground and walked to my closet a...

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put it on and when down the stairs as i went down when i got down i went to my kitchen and eat i then went to the tv just to see what the news had for us they were talking about people geting bitten then the fevers when they started to talk about this vires and how alot of hospitals were getting more then they could hold in there. i sighed as i was about to turn off the tv i saw the newsman get attcked and then the carmra man when that happened i heard people screaming bloody murdder when i looked out the window i saw men and women getting eatten and eatting others i jummped into high gear and ran to my room and then back into my closet got some clotes and then got my backpack and a duffle bag i put my clothes i hade one more pare of shoes then ran down agin locked my frunt door and closed my curtens so none could see me went to my kitchen got all the food that would not spolie of a while and then got water when i got done i went to the basment steps and went down them turned right opened the celler door that i made into my armory when i opened the door it was filled with lots of guns and amoe.

 i sighed as i was about to turn off the tv i saw the newsman get attcked and then the carmra man when that happened i heard people screaming bloody murdder when i looked out the window i saw men and women getting eatten and eatting others i jummp...

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i then got all of the guns off the wall and into the dufle bag i turned and got my crossbow the qiver that could hold up to about 5oo to 700 if lucky when i got back up the stairs and into the kitchen agin i went qickly and qiutely over to my wind...

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i then got all of the guns off the wall and into the dufle bag i turned and got my crossbow the qiver that could hold up to about 5oo to 700 if lucky when i got back up the stairs and into the kitchen agin i went qickly and qiutely over to my window to see if i should be good or not it showed more out there i got suprised that they didnt see me i closed them agin and went to the growged (i cant spell its were you'd hold your cars or juck lol) when i got to my car with my keys well mot car truck i got into the truck and then put my bow and qiver into the pasinger seat my started up my truck (you know what im call it a car) i pushed my grouged door to open up when i did that it made them look right at me and got up when i saw them up i floored it out of the now heard of them they tryed to fallow me but i was to fast and got it out of my town and on the road...

the walking dead x me (marissa)Where stories live. Discover now