Bloody Cherry

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My breathing was short and shallow, and most undoubtedly erratic. My face contorted into one of horror as I heard a soft knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey, are you alright in there?" It was Katsuki, he sounded worried.

I hurried to clean the bathroom of the blood and petals before slowly opening the door to find Katsuki still standing there.

"I'm alright, I think I should head home early though." I answered avoiding eye contact by looking down to the ground. 

Did I imagine those petals? What was going on? My throat still burned from whatever was happening to me.

"I'll walk you back to the dorm." Katsuki's soft voice broke me from my sporadic thoughts.

"Oh, that's ok, you don't have too, I'll be fine." I shook off the gesture not wanting to take him from his friends.

"It's fine, this party kinda blows anyway." He gently placed his hand on my back leading me to the door giving me a little support.

"Hey!" Katsuki called into the room where everyone else was. "Y/n's not feeling well, I'm going to walk her home."

All their faces turned to worry and concern. "I hope you get feeling better!" Mina called as Katsuki and I walked out of the house without another word to them.

"You know you don't have to walk me right? I could make it back ok, you could have stayed with your friends." I honestly felt ashamed, I was taking him from those around him and keeping him for myself, once again. I was so damn selfish.

"Of course you could have made it ok, but I wanted to walk you, so just shut up." He glanced over to me and hit my back. "Stop looking all mopey I made the decision to walk you. If I didn't want to I wouldn't have. Now tell me how you really feel."

"I think it's just a cough, nothing to worry about, it will probably be gone in the next few days anyway. But hey, if it turns out its super bad and I die you can have my stuffed animals!" I joked laughing and nudging him to lighten the mood.

"Even your favorite?" He played along nudging me back.

"Especially my favorite, I would need someone who could take good care of it." Katsuki's face turned a bit more serious.

"But seriously, don't die. You'd tell me if it was serious right? I don't want to inherit thirty stuffed animals from your dumbass." My face softened as I looked into his eyes.

The lights from the lampposts glimmered in his beautiful red eyes making them shine like rubies. "Bold of you to assume I only have thirty."

"Yeah whatever, you dork!" He rolled his eyes looking up to the night sky. "I just have a bad feeling about this all."

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