idk part 5????

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Ok so RandomGoGirl101 and Slytherin_Warlock tagged me in this. I had published this yesterday but idk what happened my wattpad glitched and deleted it. I was so frustrated I didn't do it again but imma do it now.


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1. Meaning behind username: It's pretty simple. My name is Sana and I wanted sanadirectioner but apparently it was already taken so I decided to add a couple more a's and so it is sanaaadirectioner

2. Favourite book: Here on wattpad- Young and Beautiful

In irl- The Divergent Series

3. What's your icon and background:

My background and icon is the same

My background and icon is the same

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It's this beautiful fanart. I found it on pinterest. It's by larryfinalshow on Instagram.

4. What type of books do you write//if you write: I'm currently writing a fiction novel. I had an Instagram account for posting it too . I had posted about 16 chapters but then I realized how difficult it is to write and post thrice a week. So I deleted it. I'm thinking of publishing my story here next year.

5. Recommend 3 book:

On wattpad:

1. Young and Beautiful
2. Tired Tired Sea
3. Unbelievers

Also, Reunion, Ankles and Awkwardness, Baby Heaven's in Your Eyes, 17black part 1 and 2 (the football one)

I think almost everyone has read them but still. They're all in my list if you want.

In irl:

The Divergent Series

1. Divergent
2. Insurgent
3. Allegiant

You can also read
Four: A Divergent Collection.
(It is some of the important events told from the second main character's pov)

After that
We Can Be Mended: A Divergent Series Epilogue
(This is a small Epilogue to the story and takes place 5 years after the events of Allegiant)

6. Secret about your wattpad: lmao there's no secret. My wattpad itself is a secret

7. Tag 10 people: omg this is difficult
Um if you see this and you wanna do it, then please do it and you can mention me if you wanna say who tagged you

Have a great day lovlies❤❤

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