Power Levels

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Spoilers! (Maybe?) Also, I'm gonna sound B!tchy in this, but keep in mind. These are my opinions, and you honestly aren't required to change anything if you don't want.

So I was reading fanfics the other night, and I came across this one particular fan fiction, and I want to share an opinion with you guys that I've had forever. This fanfic particularly helps. I'm going to go over the premises of it, but not the actual name to avoid any hate going towards the author. And if you do actually know the original, please don't leak the name.

(Disclaimer! This is actually a great fic, and also this has massive spoilers to it)

Izuku Midoriya is framed for being the traitor of UA, gets jailed, learns and masters the powers of each sin (+Elizabeth) from the anime The Seven Deadly Sins. Takes down all for one and the entire LOV single handed, fights endeavor.

That's really all you need to know about it to understand what I'm about to mention.

The thing that always makes my perfectionist self kinda angry is the fact that the power levels are inconsistent. Let me explain.

So, as mentioned above, Midoriya fights All For One and wins. All by himself. Almost effortlessly. And whilst that's insane, I've watched the first three seasons of what the powers are based off, so not too unbelievable.

But then he proceeds to struggle with endeavor.

His power is nowhere near as large as All For One, but Midoriya struggles. Why?

Now I could chalk it down to basic components of that universe, but I'm not targeting that fic. I'm addressing the concept itself.

I've seen dozens of things with the same main concept. Hero had gigantic power level and is unbeatable! Best in said universe! Oh No! A smaller target comes along, and protagonist struggles!

It makes no sense. If you want to make a good thing, keep the power levels consistent. And for the sake of not stereotyping everything, please don't make the character the most powerful. It just irritates me. Because then, where's the character arcs?

Anyways, back to the subject.

You need to have certain power levels in mind as you begin, and always have a sheet of them. Update them as the character grows stronger, and DON'T MAKE A CHARACTER STRUGGLE AT SOMETHING THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO!

(Though there are a few exceptions, don't exploit them.)

Aaaaand that's it for my rant. Enjoy the rest of your day/night, and I hope you can see my next episode!

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