Chapter 1 part 9 : Jet

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America and Japan tried to find their 'allies', America shoving people away so they could pass the crowd.

"Daaad! Canadaaa! Spaiii-" Katsune stopped America from shouting, earning glances from other people in the lobby.

Katsune awkwardly laughed and waved her hand."Ahahaha! Sorry for my friend! She just woke up!"

"There they are!" America held Katsune's hand and ran towards the other nations.

"W-Wait America!"

"Looks like our trip is going to be tricky." Canada mumbled.

"Guys! I'm glad we found you! People were suddenly crowding the lobby, we had to fight our way here." The other nations plus UN looked at the duo.

"By fight she means shoving people." Katsune stopped walking and let go of America's hand.

"The people here seem to be unfazed by the typhoon that's about to come." Britain said.

They all looked around and saw some people holding their phones taking selfies and group photos of course some people already have their bags ready to leave the hotel but it was still odd that some of them didn't seem to mind.

"I heard from Philippines a few years ago that his people are used to these.....disasters...Though that doesn't mean they're immune of course, i think." UN said in a serious tone.

"Well we need to pack up quick, it might get worse if we stay a little longer." Japan said, already walking away from the lobby.

"Well, see you guys later i guess."

[With China and Spain]

"Do you really think we can leave this place before it gets flooded?." Spain asked China, Who's trying to put all his valuable belongings in his luggage.

After China finished putting his belongings he spoke,"If i'm being honest, I don't know...The rain seems to be fast."

"I'm just worried that we might not get to our destination safely, especially knowing a typhoon is happening." Spain finished packing, he was now waiting for China.

"I guess we just have to hope that our trip wont be a disaster and no one gets hurt." China turned off the TV from the room and checked if they missed something.

"Shall we go?"

Seeing that nothing was missing or was left behind, China nodded and the two of them quickly went outside of their room.

After checking out every country in the hotel were waiting for the van outside, which was a little late.

"Come on...! It's pouring rain out here!" America shouted, covering her head with her hoodie.

"Now you know how i feel." Britain whispered.

Minutes have passed and the water from the rain rose up to the same level as their legs.

"Dang I just bought these.... I shouldn't have used these." America was irritated by the fact that she just bought her shoes just a few days before they left.

Canada shook his head repeatedly,"I don't think your shoes are more important than the situation we're in."

The two Japan twins were both playing in the water, by playing I mean Katsune kicking water at Japan which irritated him and did the same then both of them started kicking the water towards each other which made them both wet even more than they already were.

Some of the countries moved away from the two, not wanting to get hit by the dirty water they were kicking at each other.

After a few minutes the van they were waiting on finally arrived.

"Finally!" America quickly went inside,after she went in the other countries soon followed.

The ride was slow because of the amount of mud and water slowing the van down, most of the nations were doing their own thing, trying to ignore the loud rain outside.

America kept asking if they were at their destination every 10 minutes, which annoyed the other nations.

Britain,China and Spain were talking about random stuff that even I don't understand but we shouldn't focus on that.

The others are just talking to each other too.

Finally after what felt like hours they reached the airport.

The rain was pouring heavily, and the ground was wet. It felt like they were swimming, short people would probably struggle to walk across.

They all quickly went inside, but it was a bad idea.

Once UN opened the door the water came inside which made some people complain.

Most of them quickly went to the jet, while UN and Britain tried to apologize to the people inside the airport.


After we- besides UN and Britain, went to the jet we dried up, i mean we wouldn't want the jet to be wet right?

"Finally i'm all dried up!" My friend America said with joy.

"America your hair is still wet." Canada said.

I used my phone for awhile while waiting for the jet to start leaving.

UN and Britain came in the jet, UN scolding some of us after drying up.

The woman did some instructions on what to do on planes or uh- jets.

After that the jet was finally going, I turned off my phone and looked at the window.

I really hope we find Philippines soon.

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