{⸙:❛𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 27❜:❀}

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>───⇌• :🦋: •⇋───<

Y/n pov

Jimin - She's here

Jimin whispered But I couldn't focus much on his words because.. I saw someone familiar walking in too.

Oh wait. Nah he's not familiar. I misunderstood haha.
( Ik you thought it'll be Taehyung😂)

I focused in the direction Jimin was pointing and saw a beautiful girl walking towards us.

Y/n - Oooh nice choice Jimin.

I whispered and nudged his arm while he just blushed and smiled.
We both stood up to welcome her.

Ray - Heyy guys~

Jimin - Heyy Ray!!
This is Y/n whom I was talking about. My best friend. And Y/n this is Ray.

He introduced while smiling and I looked towards Ray.

Y/n - Hii Ray, Nice meeting you.

Ray - Hii!! Same here.

She said while smiling widely which I returned

No doubt Jimin chosed her. I'm so happy for them. We all sat down and started talking about stuffs while having our lunch.


2 days later

I was done making the dinner and was going to arrange it on the table.

I heard the front door opening and closing indicating someone has entered. Well this someone is Mr. Kim Taehyung who else hehe.
I kept doing my work.


When I was almost done arranging the dinner I heard Taehyung's footsteps coming towards the dining room.
He came and sat on his usual seat.
I served him the food and was about to go in the living room when he said something in his usual cold - deep voice

Taehyung - Where are you going?

O..m..g the KiM tAeHyUnG aka my cold-ice-like husband is talking to me????
I turned around and hide my happy expressions changing them into a stern one.

Y/n - I already ate.

I said quietly and saw him nodding. I went towards the living room to watch TV before going to sleep.

Taehyung pov

I went in the dining room after taking a shower. I saw Y/n already there as always.
But when she was done serving the food for me she started walking towards the living room? Why? Doesn't she want to eat food with me now?
I was confused so I asked her.

Taehyung - Where are you going?

Y/n - I already ate

I just nodded slowly and she went in the living room.

Huh! she must've ate with that Jiminie or something. I rolled my eyes at my own thought.

Taehyung - Yeah whatever. Good! Don't eat with me that's what I want!!

I mumbled to myself

No one's pov

Ofcourse he was missing Y/n but he didn't wanted to believe that. Shrugging off the thoughts aside Taehyung started eating his food. Alone.

After a while when he was done eating, he stood up to go in the living room as always.


He saw Y/n was already sitting on the couch while watching TV.
He too went towards her and sat beside her. Y/n also saw him sitting beside her and slightly widened her eyes. Well it's rare.
But keeping his words in her mind, Y/n decided to go upstairs to leave him alone. She was sad, she didn't wanted to go but she had to.
But when she stood up she heard Taehyung saying something AGAIN.

Taehyung - Wait

Taehyung's pov

When I went in the living room and sat on the couch beside her, I saw her getting up and walking towards the stairs.
What's wrong with her bruh?? Why does it look like she's running away from me?

Taehyung - Wait-

She turned around and looked at me. I saw her sad expressions, there's not the smile she always used to have while talking to me. From the day I told her to be away from me I've never got to see her face clearly. But when I'm seeing it today, there were still those sad and hurt expressions like before. Why?

Wasn't I the one who told her to leave me alone?
To don't call me with nicknames, Not to be around me? So I don't think I can ask her to sit here with me.

I was so much in my thoughts that I didn't even realised she was still standing there waiting for me to complete.

Y/n - Do you need anything?

She asked with a concern look.
Oh yes, I do. I cleared my throat and said

Taehyung - N-nothing

She nodded and said with a small smile

Y/n - If you need anything, tell me I'm in the bedroom.

She said and turned around to leave. Where's the Tae or Taehyungie?
Wait- What I'm thinking? What the actual heckk is happening with me???? Why I'm feeling like this???

Do I perhaps like her??

Y/n pov

I went in the bedroom and jumped on the bed.
Am I sleepy or something?? Taehyung is talking to me??? Taehyung is TALKING to me himself!!???
Ohhhhh myy
I giggled slightly at my own behaviour. Ahhh it's not that of a big deal. It isn't like he has allowed me to be around him or with him. I face palmed myself. He just talked about very common, obvious things.
*Sigh* I should go and sleep now.
Otherwise I'll be late.
I wish everything goes well tomorrow.

───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───

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